Soulbound Rush for Glint

With the time ticking towards the release of the new Soulbound card set, everyone is scrambling to get their soulbound cards maxed out before they finish being issued.

The introduction of glints has helped people being able to focus on what type of card they want so that this should be easier to get the cards that you want. Although you can't pick exactly the card, at least getting a legendary or epic as you wish is much better than luck of the draw.

Overall I am most behind with Epic cards at 47% and they cost 5k glints each in the glint shop so are not cheap to buy either! With my glint earnings so far predicted at 15k, this could only be 3 epic cards and not even a single legendary!! This has got me considering to move to wild and try to ramp up the glint earnings. But would I be able to still get into Champ league there? Plus I would need to rent a load of SPS to boost earnings.

Of my epic cards, I have none maxed which is worrying and some like Noa and Eveyln are quite far from being maxed at level 3, so I have quite some way to go. The most useful cards for me here are Noa, Evelyn and Clockwork. Getting them max level would be really helpful.

Of the legendary cards, I am doing much better at 69% completion. I only have Musa maxed out, but a few others are quite close. I need one more Sorriel and 2 more Iziar and Usut to max them out. Finding the glint to do this is not so easy at the moment though.

The rest are also on level 3 which is quite good except for Kulu Mastermind and Skok. Both pretty good cards and Kulu is probably one of my favorite and most used. Getting him max level would be my top priority along with Iziar.

During the season I am using my glints to by Rare cards and so far I have completed 84%. I have maxed out Riverboat Captain, War Pegasus and the summoner Helios (who I don't think I have ever played). They are both 2 key cards for me, so I am happy with this progress.

The remaining cards are at level 6 or 7 and progressing well towards max level too. It can be abit frustrating when you spend 500 glint on a card that is maxed out and then burn it for just 100 glint back.. but that is how it works.

All of the non-summoner cards are pretty useful, especially Ravenhood, so I am pretty happy that I should max them out in the next short time.

Finally the common cards are all pretty much maxed out except Firecaller, I need 46 copies. I also need 5 copies of Coastal Sentry which is one of my most used cards and it would be good to get that knock out ability. Terraceous Grunt I need 2 copies and the rest are fully maxed out.

Gold Cards

I am still undecided what to do with my gold foil soulbound cards. I am far off collecting them all and the good thing to hold them is it increases your collection power. Although not considered (wrongly) by the game, is one of the key metrics for players in the game.

However, they could help me raise some much needed glint and get the missing regular foil cards that I need... what to do?!

Soulbound Unlock

The big upcoming question with soulbound cards is regarding the unlocking. Will it make sense to unlock the soulbound cards? There is talk that it would cost 10x the DEC burn value, which for me is totally crazy and would then make it totally uneconomical and be really annoying. I want to unlock the cards, not necessarily to sell or rent them, but just to have proper ownership and be able to do what I like with them. I think paying the DEC burn rate, possibly 2x the burn rate should be sufficient to unlock them, I am not sure why it needs to be 10x.

Thanks for reading.


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