The Amazing Prismologist

Hello Splinterfans!

Welcome to my entry for the Share your Battle Weekly Challenge! More details about the challenge can be found here.

This week's battle challenge is with the amazing Prismologist from the Chaos Legion pack. What I love about Prismologist is that we have a strong ranged attack monster that combined with Sloan and other ranged attack monsters can cause some devastation to your opponents.

I currently have a recently upgraded to level 2 Prismologist but I would love to upgrade to at least level 4. It would also be a great help to my life deck if I maxed out this epic card.

My Team

This is a mid-level mana attack and I have pulled out my Sloan summoner to take full advantage of ranged attack and Prismologist's ability.

Summoner/ MonsterReason
General SloanLife Summoner
Pelacor ConjurerMy tank
Dumacke ExileA strong sneak attack
HerbalistA cheap ranged attack
Venari CrystalsmithRanged Attack and healer
Pelacor ArbalestDouble strike ranged attack
PrismologistOur monster of the moment


My opponents:

The rules for the battle are:

Heavy HitterAll monsters do double damage when attacking an enemy that is stunned.
EqualiserThe initial Health of all Monsters is equal to that of the Monster on either team with the highest base Health.

Watch the Battle on Splinterlands

ROUND 1 - Gelatinous Cube vs. Pelacor Conjurer

The enemy has gone for the water deck led by Tyrus Paladium and have opted for the Gelatinous Cube who is a good tank. Luckily they have focused on magic attack that will be great for my tank choice. The strong Evangelist worries me the most at this stage, plus Uraeus the poisonous python.

After the first two rounds, my ranged attack managed to destroy the Gelatinous Cube very decisively. The blast attack of Prismologist has already started weakening their second placed Blinding Reflector.

ROUND 3 & 4

My tank Pelacor Conjurer falls in round 3 followed by their Blinding Reflector. My ranged attack is so strong that Uraeus is reduced to just 2 mana by the end of round 4. The only bad sign is that our monster of the moment, Prismologist has been poisoned by the infamous snake and is losing 2 health each round.

ROUND 5 & 6

Things start to even up in rounds 5 & 6 and the Prismologist falls to the evil poison attack from Uraeus. How are things going to work out now?

ROUND 7 - 10

Luckily the heal ability of Venari Crystalsmith manages to save the day here as Pelacor Arbalest manages to pick off my enemy until their Evangelist is forced into the tank position in round 10 without being able to attack further.


Prismologist is a great ranged attack monster who can deliver some hard hitting damage to the enemy. When levelled up a little that damage can become much more lethal.

Combined with other ranged attack, your opponents do not stand a chance. Here I had just Venari Crystalsmith and Pelacor Arbalest level 2 and they still manged to pull off a victory.

Thanks for reading.


The title image was created in Canva with images from Splinterlands and stevepb Pixabay.
Screenshots are from Splinterlands.
The banner image was created in Canva using an image from Splinterlands and source

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