How to Counter LLama Kron in Bronze Tier

As a Beginner with low budget Dark Energy Crystals for Legendary Card Rentals, facing Llama and Kron tandem is one of the most head breaking opponent, to save your time against this kind of opponent your only choice is to surrender as we may know what will be the outcome for sure...

But guys there is a way for us to defeat this Overpowered Legendary Cards Tandem...

And we will be using Earth Splinter Against LLama Kron Tandem...

MANA CAP: 14 to 17


Earth Splinter: Xander Foxwood Level 2

Dec Price Rental: 18.45 DEC as of time of writing

Monster Cards

Unicorn Mustang Level 3
First Position
Function: Tank Agaisnt Mage and Damage Dealer

Unicorn Mustang.jpg

Dec Price Rental: 38.95 DEC as of time of writing, After End of Season Rental Price will drop, thats the most oppurtune time to Grind!!!

Wood Nymph Level 3
Second Position
Function: Heals the card in First Position, with 1 Magic Damage

Wood Nymph.jpg

Price Rental: 4.55 DEC as of time of writing

Child Of the Forest Level 3
Third Position
Function/Ability: Snipe and Range Damage Dealer

Child of the Forest.jpg

Price Rental: 6.95 DEC per day as of time of writing

14 to 17

Summoner: Xander Foxwood

1st Position: Unicorn Mustang
2nd Position: Wood Nymph
3rd Position: Child of The Forest

You may add Furious Chicken if you have it, its a Big Plus...

If the Mana Cap is 19, You can add and place Failed Summoner Level 3 in First Position..

Failed Summoner Level 3

Failed Summoner.jpg

Price Rental: 2.70 Dec as of time of Writing

I hope this short article of mine helps you enjoy more the game,tell your friends about this great Game... lets build a better community here in splinterlands, We Play, We Enjoy and We Earn...

Please if you have spare of your time dont forget to Upvote, its Big help help for me and i am more motivated to share what i know in this game..

Feel free to comment or ask a question, and i am more happy to make another article to answer you!!!

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