Week 24 of the 52 Pack Challenge. Finally, a profit week in the Chaos

This is the last day of 2022.

My Splinterlands investments are down, way down. Ditto for Hive and other second layer tokens. That's okay. A rebound will happen. I will be ready for it.

And it's nice to end the year on a little positive note. Week 24 resulted in a slight profit.

I am opening 52 packs in 52 weeks of Splinterlands Chaos Legion. I purchased the packs at around $2.25 on Tribaldex, which is a great discount from the retail price of $4 a pack on Splinterlands. However, packs are currently trading at $1.38 on Tribaldex and I don't think we will ever see $2.25 again.

So, will I have a profit at the end of the year? Barely this week. The return on this pack was a $2.49 If you have been following the pack openings, it's been more than a month that a pack generated a positive return.

The cumulative cost at this point is $54, while the return is now at $60.68. At this point, packs feel a lot more like gambling than investing.

If you want to play a great Play 2 Earn game, use my referral code for 5 free cards delegated to you for the first 30 days and a bonus of 5 free cards given to you if purchase a Summoner's Spellbook https://splinterlands.com?ref=methodofmad

As I near the halfway point of pack openings, I have a fear that this will be a negative return on investment. Card values continue to decline. Maybe it's futile but I started a Burn Party initiative two weeks ago. @methodofmad/join-the-splinterlands-burn-party-every-friday-we-burn-some-gold-cards-this-is-fire-week-2

Either more players will need to enter the game or cards will need to be burned to stabilize the Splinterlands economy.

Okay, Let's Get Rolling in 2023!

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