Another season with Splinterlands closes the curtain and a new one has begun. Meanwhile I was reading daily news and encountered a fasicinating story about Bill Gate’s gaming addiction. After reading that Bill Gates had an addition to the game Minesweeper I have less regrets for myself in playing Splinterlands all day.
Link to story:
<a href=”That time Bill Gates got so obsessed with Minesweeper high scores that Microsoft staff had to conjure up one he couldn't beat (”>Bill Gate’s Obsession with Minesweepr
I will briefly summarize Bill Gate’s history with Minesweeper. The game broke out in 1990 which at the time Bill was already CEO of Microsoft. Bill got so addicted to the game that then wife Melinda Gates asked developer of the game to make it impossible for Bill to be the top scorer. When Bill found out a computer had the highest score and impossible for a human to beat he acknowledged the situation and gave up on the game.
What was most interesting to me is that Bill after growing Microsoft and having a personal life he was yet able to still have a mindset to be an addicted gamer. With that thought it should not be a surprise so many Splinterlands players are grown adults with both a professional and personal lives. I grew fond of the game and been playing for years without missing many days of play.
Addiction To Splinterlands Good?
Sometimes addictions maybe are good for the soul. Being addicted to Splinterlands have found me new people to meet across the globe. In addition it has brought me crypto wealth that I have not felt since the beginning of the crypto booms and busts. Splinterlands has been more positive to my life than negatives.
Although I admit I sometimes play too much and get yelled at by my significant other when she sees me playing. The fear of getting caught forced me to play only in hiding such as bed time or early hours in the morning. I log into my account and for about a couple of hours a day I blog post and play close to 30 matches in Splinterlands. Nothing like it and I would not have it any other way.
Splinterlands Good For The Soul
With all the bad news going around from Covid to wars and the global economic inflation it can get overwhelming. What will a few games of Splinterlands do when I play? For a couple of hours a day I emerge myself into a wonderful and fantastic world that I can relate to so many other players across the globe. All the meanwhile investing in my future as each passing day I amass more and more crypto.
Productive or not the end means is spending the time I have in doing what I like and still building wealth is the ideal way to live. I would not have it any other way. What do you think? Are you addicted to Splinterlands.
Until next time thanks for reading!!!
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