Splinterlands - A Neutral Tanker?


I was looking to add another Chaos card for my collection and encounter a card that really appear to be a tanker. The card is Xenith Monk.

Self Heal In Tankers


At first glance Xenith Monk does not appear like anything special. Yet at higher levels it has some interesting abilities. To be exact it has self heal at level two, void at level 6, and magic reflect at level 8.


The Haunted Spirit looks very similar to that of Xenith Monk. At max level Haunted Spirit is higher in stats such as melee at 4 and health at 10. Yet Xenith Monk is a neutral card so can be used in any splinter.

There are plenty of other options for a self heal card, in total there are (27) self heal cards but only (26) are playable in rank battles as 1 is in Gladius series. With neutral specific there are only four cards.


Xenith Monk is a good addition as it fills a needed void in neutral self heal monsters. It is the first and only rare neutral with heal at level 2. It is far better than Gelatinous Cube as Cube does not have any attack. In addition Xenith Monk is only 4 mana therefore it fits well in low mana battles. This reminds me of Cerberus as it also is a 4 mana monster.


Both Xenith and Cerberus are the only 4 mana monsters with self heal.


Just to note that the self heal ability boosts health by 1/3 of total per a turn it is interesting to note that Xenith at max has a health of 8 and Cerberus has a health of 9. Not much of a difference but Xenith is neutral so fits well for all splinters if needed.



There is some interesting cards in the Chaos Legions series but sometimes I have to look a bit more carefully. Xenith Monk is one of those cards. A tanker at max level and can be compared to some of the staples in Haunted Spirit as it has the same abilities or Cerberus as it has the same low mana of 4. Have you looked into Xenith Monk and considered the same?

Until next time thanks for reading!!!

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