Splintercard's New Land Rich List

One major reason why I love blockchains is the transparency there is. On Splintercards.com we now get to see who are the top holders of land and where top players are in several categories related to land expansion. Its some amazing stats.

A Few Control The Most!

Like in real life the majority is control by a few and in plot lands its the same. Out of the 150k land plots to ever exist the top 200 currently hold over 98k plots. That is close to 2/3 of the entire land collection control by 200 players. Assume a quick math of 200k players, of course there are more than that in accounts, but for sake of quick math. Then 200 out of 200k is 1%. In layman terms 1% control almost 2/3 of all the plots!

The Best Of The Best Plots

Looking at top holders of most castle plots I recognize multiple players that have been playing the game for years. Its no surprise here to see so many familiar names as they are mainly in the top 200 plot holders.

Land Occupied

Some rarest plots such as legendary occupied holders again are in the top 200 plot holders.


It is pretty cool that Splintercards also has a full distribution list of current land plots. There is nearly 2/3 of all lands surveyed, which is amazing considering its not even a week into land 1.0. Goes to show just how active the community is.

The rest are half unsurveyed and half unclaimed. I am a bit surprise that the unclaimed column would be that high now since options to pick location of plot in specific tract. For that many to be held for resell it seems high considering its 1/5 of all total.

One of the disappointing stat is to see just how rare it is to get a legendary or mythic plot. With almost 90k plots open there are only around 2000 that fall under legendary or mythic plots. That is 2.22% chance of getting one of those plots. Crazy!

Until next time thanks for reading!!!

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I have plenty of other cards for rent! Just go on peakmonsters and check out the market place and if you are curious what I offer here is a link:

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If You have yet to take part in playing this great game called Splinterlands please click on my referral link. It is free but in order to earn real assets such as cards and token you would have to invest in a starter deck or purchase game cards. Join the discord to learn more. Good luck!


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