Steemmonsters cards giveaway #38

Hi guys!

How are you?

What did just happened on Hive? Is it pumping up? His value is 50% more than yesterday, wooow!
Anyway another season is just over and I've opened my rewards: a lot of Postioma like always, a couple of Dec, one rare and one common card...very very sad.
Let's begin the new season with a looong win streak guys!

      • So with this giveaway's posts you can win a card for free, you just have to check the rules below and If you are lucky you win!
        I will post that every 2-3 days or once a week, it depends on how many spare time do I have, I try to post as frequently as possible.
        Here's the card you have the chance to win today:



If you need more informations about this death's monster, please check the giveaway #12.


The winner of last giveaway is @gregory-f
Congratulations, you won a Kelp initiate!
Keep playing and keep participating, you can win again!



It is very very easy to partecipate:

  • add a comment writing whatever you want, for example I am in or I will win the card
  • tag your steemmonsters player name in your comment or someone else if you want to give a gift to a friend
    upvote and reblog is really appreciate but not a must

I'll put all names into a random name picker to decide the winner.
At least 5 participants are required, otherwise this giveaway will be canceled.

I will send the card to the winner after a couple of hours or in a few days, when I have no time.

Good luck!

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