Adviser, Temporal master on the battlefield

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It's been quite a break from writing for some time. Anyway, the break didn't seem to affect my splinterlands gameplay. With excitement, I want to welcome you to another week of splinterlands battle share challenge. A specific monster has been chosen as this week's theme and it's no other but a life element monster by name, Temporal Master. Wish to participate? Kindly follow this link leading to the guidelines by the spt community.

Temporal Master: A review of the lore section portrays Temporal Master as a great adviser who was later betrayed by the High Magus Obin Anvaras. While you visit the lore link above to know more, let me dive straight into the stats of this monster.

Temporal Master Battling Stats

Temporal master is found to be part of the life element deck and it exists there as an epic card. Aside from being summoned by life element summoners, another summoner that can summon this monster is the dragons.

Starting from the levels on the left-hand side to the abilities on the right, Temporal master stats are shown in accordance with each level. The first three levels have one magic damage, two speed, no armor, two, three, and four health respectively, with the recharge ability which actually is common among all levels. The last three levels have two magic damage, the same two speeds as the first three, no armor, four, and five speed respectively, with the last level developing the "stun" ability.

The recharge ability, which is represented by the symbol causes this monster to skip a turn, then cause a triple damage when it attacks in the next. What this means is that when a battle starts, this monster doesn't play the round rather it uses it to recharge itself for 3x damage in round two. The same thing happens in subsequent rounds till the game is over.

Not applicable to this battle but found in the last level of this monster is the "stun" ability which has the symbol. When hit by a monster with this ability, the target monster has a chance of missing its turn to play. This is it for the monster, now, let's take a look at this week's battle below.


Battle Set Rule
Return Fire: All monsters have the return fire ability
Available ElementFire, Water, Earth, Life, and Dragon

Battle Link

Team Formation

DELWYN DRAGONSCALED. Dragonscale is a common dragon summoner. Using this summoner gives +1 magic damage to all friendly magic monsters
Agor LongtailThis monster belongs to the dragon deck is three abilities at level one. The three abilities are, flying, taunt, and void armor. Used as a defender in this battle, the flying ability helps it evade melee & ranged hits, the taunt ability serves as a distraction that draws every monster to it, and the void armor ability simply means that its armor will have to be taken down before its health is affected by magic monsters. This monster has a double attack type. It is both a magic and a melee monster with two magic damage, and three melee damage
Chaos DragonAlso a card from the dragon deck and used in level one with double abilities namely, Flying and scattershot. The flying helps it evade hits just as they do with all flying monsters, while the scattershot ability means it can attack at random. Chaos dragon has three magic damage of its own in this battle.
Red DragonStill from the dragon deck, red dragon is both a magic and melee attack monster with one magic damage, and four melee damage in level one. It also possesses flying ability just like its predecessor
Temporal MasterBeing the card for this week, Temporal master came in at the fourth position and fought bearing two magic attacks which with the help of the recharge ability will come out as six magic attacks when it attacks. Also being the weakest among all the cards used, it has to be protected which is why the middle position was made for it.
Black DragonThis monster also came into the battlefield with two abilities which are flying and life leech. while flying is for evading hits, life leech helps it gain life when it damages an enemy monster. This life gain is in proportion to the damage rendered. Also of its own is two magic damage.
Void DragonAs the name implies, it is a dragon monster with two abilities (Void and flying ) at level one. Flying does the same thing everywhere, void reduces damage from magic attacks. On its own, this monster came into the battlefield with one magic damage

Battle Commentary

It was a battle between the earth element and the dragon element with a total of 12 monsters on the battlefield. All monsters used on both sides of the battle were magic attack monsters. The battle started with the opponent's summoner and my summoner enhancing their team's magic damage with an additional one magic damage

Right after the enhancement, the battle started and lasted for four rounds.

My Strategy & Its Effectiveness

The strategy used was very effective. Although both teams had strategized for magic, it was a matter of whose monsters are better. With 12 monsters on the battlefield, I had expected a longer round of battle but the attacks from the dragon warriors seemed to have quickly overwhelmed the earth warrior. Both teams were great but they had to be a winner.

What can I say about Temporal Master?

First, It is a great monster but the ability is not among my favorites. Why did I say so? Most times, this turn miss can be catastrophic, before it gets to their next turn, your side might have incurred unrecoverable damage. This is my major issue with them. However, if used well, it can provide as many wins as possible for the player. I can't call Temporal master an average monster because it lacks in defense and health.


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