Splinterlands Tips for a Better Beginner Experience


So after reading through 90% of the posts on Reddit, it's obvious Splinterlands has a ton of new players that need guidance. The game really doesn't give out much info before you drop $10 on that spellbook. It seems there's plenty of people out there that are extremely confused on how to level up, gain DEC, rent, and win the best rewards.

Don't worry, I'm here to help. I was right where you are two months ago bitching about the ever-changing rewards and how was I supposed to get to silver when there's no packs for sale and every card costs $1 million dollars. Today I'm gonna go over what you should understand as a new player and how to get out of bronze and start earning real rewards.

Splinterlands is Not Free To Play

OK, so the first thing you have to get out of your head is playing this game for free. The $10 spellbook is the minimum investment you need but that will not get you far. The more money you throw at the game the more fun you'll have. You don't have to be a whale to compete but don't expect the game to throw rewards at you.

If you want to earn real rewards, I would suggest investing at least $5 in credits after buying the spellbook. This is more than enough to get you to silver and the sweet, sweet loot.

Get Out of Bronze

OK, you spent $5. Congrats, it's time to get the f@ck out of bronze and hit silver 3.

The first thing you're going to want to do is to rent 2-3 cards. Yup, that's all you're going to need to wipe the other noobs and bots off the floor. All costs quoted in this article are current as of November 1st, 2021.

All you need is Magic

So what cards should I rent Master Mantis? Simple, you just need a few Water Splinter cards to decimate every novice and bronze team and leave bronze 3.


First up is Venari Wavesmith. Listen this card is so overpowered, they should nerf it into the ground. Seriously. Magic is already so strong against melee teams and now your whole team is stronger than ever cause everyone has +2 armor. Put this god-tiered rare card in the middle so it's protected throughout the fight. The current rental price is only .006 cents.


Since Magic is now the most powerful thing in the Splinteverse at bronze levels, you need something that will make magic hit like a wet noodle. The Legendary reward card Djinn Oshannus makes light work of any magic team. If you see your opponent plays a lot of magic decks, you simply play this card with Bortus and their entire team will hit for Zero damage. The current rental price for Djinn is 13 cents.

Check how many times Djinn Oshannus gets hit for 0 damage in this match

How to Win Using These Cards

So you want me to spell it all out for you? No problem.

Ok, you are going to choose the Water splinter no matter what the bot or noob is playing. If the other team uses any other splinter other than water, you can use Alric Stormbringer as your summoner. Use as many magic attackers as you can afford with the mana rules of the battle. Use Djinn Oshannus as your tank if you can afford it as well. No beginner deck has enough health, healing, or damage to withstand the magic onslaught.

If your enemy has figured out how awesome magic is and you see that he is playing a magic team, then you play Bortus as your summoner and get Djinn Oshannus in even if he is your only monster on the board. 99% of the time the other team will have a bunch of 1 damage monster who won't be able to damage Djinn due to his void ability and the -1 magic damage ability of the summoner. Congrats on the instant win!!

Yay, you now have enough ranking for bronze 2 or 1

OK so now you're King of the Noobs and it's time to go fight some tougher bots and noobs. You currently have 520 power from the 2 rented cards. You'll need 400 more power to get into bronze 2 and a total of 5000 power to get into bronze 3. What are you waiting for, go rent more cards!!!

You don't need to go overboard to beat bots and noobs. Stick to level one cards and what you can afford. You don't need to rent cards that cost $1 or even $50 a day. Obviously the more you can afford the easier the teams will be, but honestly, you can get by with renting less than 50 cents a day to get all the way to Silver 3.


This is a normal water quest day rental for me. You have a healing tank, high mana magic dealer, low mana tank, double hitter, chicken, high damage cards, and 2 cards for unique rulesets. You honestly don't need Almo Cambo if you can't afford him. adding most of these cards will put you over 1000 power.

With the above cards, you can sit in bronze 2 and pound on the lowbies until you have a 1000 ranking and are ready to advance to silver 3.

But Renting is Annoying

Hell yeah it is, I can't stand the rental system in Splinterlands. It's clunky, barely works, and causes massive stress. Luckily, Peakmonsters exists. Peakmonsters is a third-party website that takes the stress out of renting.

I'm not going to go into details on how to use Peakmonsters in this article. You can find some tips on using it in my previous article here. There are also hundreds of articles over on Splintertalk on how to use Peakmonsters.


If you take your time on Peakmonsters you can easily get the 15,000 power needed to advance to silver 3. Peakmonsters also has an amazing new feature called CP Bid that can help you get the needed power for the best prices possible.

If you're serious about this game, you need to learn how to use Peakmonsters to rent cards.

I'm in Silver 3 Now But How Do I Stay There?

You're finally up here chilling with the minnows in silver 3? What a badass splinter master! OK, so now you can finally earn DEC for every win.

Now you concentrate on 1 Splinter a day in your rentals based on your daily quest. Renting daily you can get the cards you need to finish your quests and win a good amount of DEC. As your skills and experience advance, you'll win more and more matches and easily be able to afford to stay in silver 3 without spending any more cold hard cash.

That's It. You're now a Noob in Silver!

This whole process should literally take less than an hour if you followed my instructions exactly. If you didn't follow them, you'll probably be lost in bronze 3 chilling with bots for years.

It's all in Good Fun

I hope no one takes any of this post too seriously. While I'm purposely being blunt in the post, this strategy really will work and you can enjoy actual rewards within an hour of starting the game if you really want to.

Obviously, you won't win every match with these teams but you'll probably win most of them.

Will you learn how to play any better by using this strategy? Maybe but probably not. Honestly, it's perfectly fine to spend a few days chilling in bronze and playing with just the starter deck. Sure you won't get many rewards, but at least you can start to get an understanding of the game and whether you actually like the game or not.

If you don't enjoy the game in bronze it does get a little more fun in silver but it's still the same game.

Anyways, that's all I have for you Guys Today

If you made it this far I just wanted to say thanks for taking the time out of your day to read my post. I hope it was informative and helps you make better teams in Splinterlands!

Do you have any strategies you'd like to share? I'm still pretty much a total noob at this game and death splinter especially. Are they any cards I missed or ones I should replace from this deck?

A little about me...
Currently based in Siem Reap, Cambodia, I'm a solo-traveling digital nomad. Due to the pandemic, I've been living in Siem Reap for almost 2 years now. While I'm hoping to get back on the road soon, I'm not in a rush.

I'd love to connect with other travelers, digital nomads, gamers, or residents of Cambodia. Don't hesitate to say hi or send me an upvote!

You can learn more about me and my company at OneZen.me.


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