Splinterlands | Testing the Reward shop with 50K $Glint Tokens

What’s up Splinterlands players!

I hope all of you are enjoying a vibrant day with your friends and family and also enjoying this game in your daily free time. If you are also a splinterlands player like me, the most probably you have seen the newest upgrade that took place in the ranked section recently. In this post I am going to talk about the newly introduced Glint token and the whole New reward system, my strategy and will also spend Glint tokens to open 10 Master Draws and share the outcome with you all! So of you are interested, enjoy a read!


An entire new Reward System

With this new update, the daily and season reward chests has ben removed completely from the game and been replaced with a new token based reward system where players will earn Glint tokens apart from SPS which they can use go buy certain things and perks in a newly launched reward shop. The token is called glint and the amount of Glint token one can earn depends on his currently active SPS stake including own and delegation. If you have already started playing in the ranked section after the last season end then you have also started earning these glint tokens and I also guess that you have made a strategy to grow in the game using these glint tokens. But yes, with the old reward chests, there was an element of surprise on what we would get from those chests as on some rare occasions, we used to get thousands of SPS from those super lucky chests but that would not be happening anymore. However, if you are looking for cards particularly, especially legendary and epic reward cards which you are still struggling to upgrade or you want to play more matches and win more SPS while climbing the trophy rating ladder, it is also possible thanks to the new Glint token reward system introduced in the game.


Reward Shop

First of all, let us take a look at the newly opened reward shop and see what is available in there for us. As you can see from the screenshot above, the 5 claimable items at the top row are what we call Draws and each draw gets you one random reward card. There are total 5 different types of draws ok the shop and each on has better chance of outcomes than it’s previous one. The draws can be purchased with Glint tokens and they range from 150 to 5000 Glint tokens per draw depending on their rarity. The highest one have the highest chance of being you rare items like legendary, epic or gold foil cards and in all those reward card items, there is a maximum cap for 10 pulls for each of them and will get reset every season. Later in this post, I will testing them with a bunch of Glint tokens, so let’s Move on..

While The row items above holds different types of Reward cards, the row below holds different items that can be purchased with Glint tokens and hint hint, if you are looking for directly more SPS token earning, you can purchase energies directly with Glint tokens now. Apart from that, you can buy merits, Legendary and gold Potions and of course, titles!, if you can manage to save a big ton of Glint in your account.


My Strategy with Glint

Now for my Strategy with this new reward system, I have decided to spend my glint tokens after those highest edition reward draws because though they cost a fortune of 5000 Glint for a single Pull, they also possess the highest chances of getting good outcome than all others. If you look at the screenshot above where I shared the probable percentage outcome of every pull, it has a gold Foil chance of 6%, getting a Legendary card is 3.2% and for an epic its a nice 8% and please keep in mind that each draw can contain one or multiple copies of a card in this draw.


Master Draw

In my case to chase after the reward draws, I am playing for a long time with max cards but still haven't got able to upgrade some of my Legendary and epic cards. Especially for Legendary cards, my luck is so bad that some of the legendary cards I already have upgraded to max level and then having excess multiple Copies but for some, thy are also only at level 2 or 3. So I wanted to try my luck with the reward draws this time And chose spending my Glint tokens all after the highest Draw called Master Draw.


I was having just a little more than 30k Glint tokens that I have earned so far in this new ranked season from ranked matches and I decided to buy 6 packs with my Glint. So I we t above and select 6 and boom they are ready to be pulled! I also have both the potions applied in these 6 draws as I have a ton of them in my account. Take a look below to see what I got the from the draw!



Pull those Draws!

Wow! As you can see, I only purchased 6 draws with my small collection but it has brought me so many cards in a single bunch! I got 2 legendary. 3 epic, 5 gold foil commons and 24 common cards from the pull. It can be clearly proven how powerful these reward draws are! Only 6 Draws have got me so many cards and also I was able to max my Kulu Mastermind card after getting them From this pull.


Burn Reward cards for Glint

I was so surprised with the pull as I was only wishing for a Legendary card and didn't even think of getting so many good Ones in a single Go. I wanted to open more so badly and suddenly remember that we can also burn reward cards for Glint tokens. I immediately went looking for a suitable card that won affect my playing if burned and finally found this card above where I was already a max gold level and some extra cards which is pretty useless for me. So I burned the extra BCX cards and received 25000 Glint tokens. The season maximum buy cap is 10 for each of the Draw pulls, so I only have 4 draws left of the highest Master draw. I already don't want to spend my GLINT anywhere other than this particular draw because obviously, I need only Legendary and epic cards. So without wasting anymore time, I rushed to the shop open another 4 and below I have shared what I got.


Another 4 Draws!

As you can see, the magic has been sparked once again as I have claimed another 2 legendary cards and this time I got the USUT card which I was looking for to upgrade it to max level and now I can finally. No doubt that these reward pulls are really great for building a reward deck way faster than before also a pretty good chance of targeting and Getting rarer type cards and gold Foils depending in which draw type you are using. Also if you already have reward cards and want Gladius cards instead, you can then but merits also from the shop at a rate of 200 merits for 200 glint tokens. You can also buy energies and play more Ranked matches and can thus earn more SPS as well in case you are thinking to increase your SPS stake or want to book rewards by unstaking.


My Thoughts

Overall, its a new reward system with an entire different mechanism being applied with a goal of give freedom To player to do more With their new reward token but cutting the supply for directly getting SPS from chests. But also, SPS earning has been significantly Increased in ranked matches so the balance will be justified well here I hope. Let’s see how the community likes it or if there are also updates coming in near future. Anyway, I hope you liked reading my post about Glint, Different Reward Shop item and also enjoyed those 10 Master Draw pulls that I shared above.

Let me know your thoughts and opinions about this whole mew reward update in the comment section below and I will be seeing you all on my next post.

Wish you all good luck on all of your future Splinterlands matches.

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Stay well and keep playing Splinterlands

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