Splinterlands | Conflict, In-Game progrss and Glint

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What’s up Splinterlands players!

I hope all of you are enjoying this beautiful day with your friends and family and also waiting eagerly for the upcoming weekend and if you are a splinterlands player like me, then best of luck with your fighting because only less than 3 days left for this ongoing ranked season to get finished. I hope all of you are grinding well in the battle arena and increasing your season reward chests bar while earning SPS and daily focus chests by playing ranked matches. Also, I guess that by now all of you are aware that this will be the last ranked season in this game as from the next ranked season onwards, there will be no daily focus or season reward chests and we will be getting Glint points as rewards. This glint tokens can be used to buy reward cards directly from a new market and I liked this update very much because though I play on a regular basis and been collecting these soul bound reward cards from reward chests since they got launched, I still have many non max or lower level cards while some of my cards are already maxed out and even having tons of extra BCXs of those cards that I don't need. Now, as they are soul-bound cards which means they can not be moved from the primary account in any way, it is impossible till now to get the cards you are missing but that problem is about to get solved with this upcoming upgrade. Now for me, I will be saving glint points and using them to max my lower level cards first, because some of the cards I really miss having at max level and they cause me to lose battles sometimes as well. So right now I am waiting eagerly for this update to get applied from the next season and let's see how this update affects our game progress.


Game Progress

Now, talking about my own in-game progress, I am currently battling in the Champion League and because there are no more dynamic trophy rewards anymore and have been changed to static trophy rewards. Each win in the ranked section now will get you 20 trophy points and each loss will deduct 20 trophy points and this is helping me and many other players to climb up the tier ladder faster and I also climbed up to Champ I tier quicker this season and been earning the gold amount of SPS and reward points since. Anyway, as you can see from the screenshot above. I am currently fighting at the topmost Champ I tier with a current trophy count of 4,760 but sadly, I am still far away from reaching the Top 10 positions and don't think I can reach there before the time ends, because the trophy difference is a lot higher. Anyway, taking a look at my Season reward chests bar, I have been able to collect a total of 82 chests so far. I made a goal to reach 100 reward chests this time but it doesn't seem as an easy task to collect another 18 chests within these 3 days, but I will still try my legal best to reach the goal before the timer hits Zero. For daily reward chests, today I got the Disable rule in my daily focus mission and stopped playing for the day after I collected 10 reward chests which I will be opening tomorrow morning.


Conflict airdrop

Moving on, let us now talk a little about the Airdrop Conflict for Rebellion edition. Conflict is the new system for conducting and distributing airdrop cards to deserving candidates and unlike all the previous airdrops where only pack buyers used to be rewarded, with this new mechanism every player or investor who stakes their rebellion edition cards or packs for a long time. I am also actively participating in the Rebellion Airdrop conflict since they launched this new mechanism and have got 2 BCX of the first airdrop Rage card and 4 BCX of the next airdrop card Kei. For the next card which is named Venka, the airdrop will happen after exactly after 23 days and so far, I have collected only 213 chances so far. For this upcoming drop, one needs at least 275 chances to get 1 guarantee BCX of this card. Last time I collected enough chance points to book 3 guarantee cards but luckily, I got 1 more card extra and got a total of 4 copies of Kei. I really hope something same happens to me on my way back home and as I calculated multiple Times, I will get 3 guarantee cards this time as well but let's see if I am Lucky enough to grab more than those guaranteed 3.

I hope all of you liked reading my post. Are you also taking part in this conflict airdrop? Let me know in the comment section below and I will be seeing you all in my next post.
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