Splinterlands | Back into action and staking more cards in Conflict

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What’s up my fellow Splinterlands Players!

I hope all of you are doing well today and also playing and enjoying your splinterlands journey. For those who are pretty serious about playing this game and do battle on a daily basis, they all are probably brainstorming right now in the arena to reach their goals, because only 18 hours left for this ongoing ranked season to end. I wish you all the best for this season and hope you make it to your goal within the time frame, whether it is to reach a certain league or tier or to secure a place in the glorious leaderboard. For me, I am finally back in action and after taking a long leave from actively playing since the introduction of rebel cards in the gameplay, I am finally back into action and started playing all the gameplay formats again while enjoying every bit of it right now. As for my current stats, I have only joined the battlefield yesterday and within these 2 days, I have already made my way from Diamond to Champion League and trying hard right now to get a place for myself in the champ lb, just like old times. If you look at my progress in these past 2 days, I used all my battle energies and right now with an empty energy bar but gladly, I have collected a total of 28 season chests so far and have another couple of hours in hand, I will be trying to make it 35 at least. To be honest, I have never scored so low in season chests in any of my previous seasons, but as I started playing when it was only 3 days left for the ranked season end, it is almost impossible to reach such high numbers within such a little time and limited energy. But however, I hope these 3 days of warm up sessions will help me regain my strength and improve my tactics so that I can start performing better in the next season onwards.


Since the latest Rebellion edition cards got launched, the gameplay in splinterlands certainly reached a new level of entertainment thanks to the newly added game rules, abilities and 2 level gameplay mechanisms. Not to mention that the brand new card airdrop system is working like a charm and thousands of players and investors in this game are staking their newly acquired rebel cards in wagons in order to get chances to receive airdrop cards. This new update not only helps the Rebellion cards and pack prices way more stable than what we witnessed with the previous Chaos Legion edition, but it also gives every active player who owns Rebellion packs or cards a chance to try their luck at receiving airdrop cards while previously, only pack buyers used to get the honey. This new mechanism rewards the ones who actually hold their rebellion assets for the long term and no matter if they have purchased packs from the official page or not. Personally, I like to open packs to experience the thrill but not a big fan of pack buying and rather prefer to buy cards from the market or via p2p, so I never got a chance to get airdrop cards for free and always used to buy them from the market.


But gladly now, I am happy to see myself on the airdrop eligible list for the first time, no matter if my chances don't get me airdrop cards. However, I am currently on a mission to acquire as many max rebel cards as possible and stake them into wagons to receive as many chances for airdrop cards as possible. I have collected a total of 73 chances so far, but you already know that we get a guaranteed chance to receive 1 BCX of airdrop card for every 200 chances, so I am way behind to receive even 1 guaranteed card but having another 23 days in hand before the first airdrop card gets launched and distributed, So I will at least get 200 + chances hence at least 1 guaranteed chance to receive an airdrop card. Right now, I am earning 78,680 contribution points per hour and I have worked very hard to reach here. But the journey has just started and as a champion league player myself, I know that 1 or 2 BCX of cards won’t be enough for me as I need max cards to fight. So I think it's better to start staking more cards and packs in wagons and collect airdrop chances than to buy these airdrop cards for hundreds of dollars in the near future.


If you are also staking rebellion cards in wagons and actively working on the airdrop mission just like myself, then you should know that legendary cards give the most contribution points upon staking rebel cards followed by Epic, Rare and Common cards at last which give the least contribution points. So when the Conflict Update arrived and rebel card staking started, I started to give priority on buying Legendary cards first because 1 max legendary rebel card gives 5775 points per hour whereas a max level epic card gives 4200 points, max rare cards give 2415 points and max common cards give only 2100 points. As you can see from the image I shared, right now I have bought and staked a total of 8 legendary cards and they alone are giving me 46200 points per hour which is most of my contribution points. I also have staked 8 max level rare cards and 1 max level common card along with a handful of lower level rebel cards in my wagons but sadly, I haven't bought any epic cards so far. So far I have bought 6 wagons to stake my Rebel cards but they are almost full now. My next goal with the rebel cards would be to upgrade these low level cards to max level and keep an eye on other top players and see what rebel cards they are using often and buying them as well.

I hope you all are working hard for the airdrop as well and staking rebellion packs and cards into your wagons just like me to get those golden chances. Do you like this new mechanism or are you in favor of the old one? Let me know in the comment section below and I will be seeing you all in my next post!
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