SOLA RANJELL is an amazing healer gladius card



What’s up my fellow splinterlands warriors!

Happy Eid to all my friends and I hope you all are enjoying this awesome day with your friends and family. I also came back from city to my hometown yesterday and enjoyed the evening chilling out with my friends after a week. In the meantime, it was a busy day for me in splinterlands as I had to play ranked, tourney and also get prepared for the brawl at last. Our guild completed playing another brawl and on the other hand, I also got selected at the final round of a diamond level tournament. Gladly, I secured a good place in this tourney and got rewarded with some juicy liquid SPS which I later staked into my in-game wallet.

First, let us look at my current rank status in this game, today I got the Stealth ruleset as my daily focus mission and finished the focus with collecting 10 reward chests and them stopped playing while carrying 29/50 energy. With the new energy system, the ranked playing time has been reduced for me by a bit and I try to play just enough so that it can get fully recharged by the next day. Now, looking at the season chests count, I have gladly collected 47 total season chests but haven’t moved yet to champions. I wanted to execute an experience and instead of playing in champ, I thought to play in Diamond and fight for a good position in the leaderboard and try to win some juicy liquid dec price. The first prize in diamond leaderboard is 100k dec which values around 88$ as per current market rate of dec. The top 50 place holders in any league gets something from the prize pool and the more above you go, the better the prize.



Now, moving in to the brawl progress, the result of the last brawl that our Neoxian guild has participated into got out yesterday and glad to see that we secured the first place in this last brawl. Thanks to all my fellow brave splinter warriors for giving their best out there in those bloody battles. As a reward, the guild got a bunch of crowns again this time and each participating guild member got 196.78 SPS and 12,457 Merits this time and no doubt, all of us are happy with the reward. I also recently opened around 25 gladius packs that I bought with merits stash and got some cool legendary and epic cards along with a few gold foils. Slowly but steadily I am upgrading my soul bound reward set and most of my common and rare cards are not being upgraded to gold level. But as I felt personally, some epic and legendary cards and far rarer to pull than others and I have only got 1 or 2 of them till now. Which soul bound card do you think has the rarest chance to be pulled, let me know in the comments below!



Now, let me showcase one of those cool gladius cards which I starting to love lately. Meet SOLA RANJELL, a legendary type card that belongs to the Life splinter. This monster costs only 3 mana to be used in battles so it’s super handy for mini to medium mana limit matches. It’s attack type is magic and it is also packed with 4 abilities in it’s max level which will be very useful in battles. Let us now look deeper into it’s stats and abilities tier wise at below.


Bronze - At level 1, this card possesses 1 magic attack at 2 speed with 5 health and it also gets 2 abilities - healing and bloodlust. You can make awesome heal combos with this card even in lower mana limit matches.

Silver - At level 2, this card remains of the same stats as bronze level and only gets a new ability - cleanse. But this ability will also be very useful alongside the heal ability in order to take away all negative status effects from the first monster, which includes poison and affliction as well.

Gold - Even at level 3, this monster possesses the same stat as of the initial level. But it does get another ability - Strengthen. Well, we got another defensive ability which will give +1 health to all my friendly monsters and certainly by that the whole lineup becomes more healthier.

Diamond / Champ - At max level, finally it gets and upgrade to it’s stats and gladly it’s the attack which got increased from 1 to 2. And with more fire power it certainly will help you now with the attack issue and can start putting dent in void ability monsters.

Overall, I really like this healer + cleanse monster and it is one of the rarest card that I have in my soul bound reward card-set collection. I have collected only 1 till now so it’s useless to choose it against max level monsters. I hope I get some more really soon and enough to upgrade it to at least level 3 and in mean time, I will try my best to collect more and more merits so that I can buy and open more gladius packs to make that happen.

I hope you liked reading my brawl progress and monster showcase post. Let me know if you already got at least 1 bcx of this card that I talked about above and I will be seeing you all in my next post.


Wish you all good luck on all of your future Splinterlands matches.

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Stay well and keep playing Splinterlands.

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