I already maxed out these 3 soul bound NFT cards!

What’s up my fellow splinterlands warriors!

I hope all of you are enjoying this sweet awesome day with your friends and family and and also managing enough time daily to play your glorious ranked matches and other challenges in this NFT game. For those who consider themselves a pro are right now fighting with their best in the ranked arena in order to achieve their rightful deserved place in the different leagues and leaderboards. Around these days the total daily ranked matches played number rises quite a high and stays until the season end. Like many of you, I am also a daily player and while I am busy on this game for grinding those daily ranked match win SPS reward + focus reward chests and also fill the season rewards simultaneously, I also try to play and score a placement the leaderboards and for quite a time, I have chased that in Diamond league. However, this season I wanted to try something new and instead of playing in Diamond league, I have decided to play in the champion league in this season. Till now, everything is going well and I have also reached the top tier Champion I and started my race for the lb in this league, for my investment, I went all in this this one season and rented almost 20k + dec worth in max cards. But, as this is my first time playing in Champion league I am not expecting anything from this season and just be learnt in this, but if all goes well and luck favours on my side, who knows if I can grab a place in the top 10 or at least 20.


Right now, I am staying at Champion I boarder level with 4,322 trophy and if I can reach another 50-100 trophies, I can definitely catch a place in top 10 looking at previous season result. But during these last days, the competition will be going only high from here and it can be very possible for me to lose a hundred trophies from here just for losing 3 matches, while it will require me to win 20 matches back to back from here to reach just another 30 trophies, so you can clearly relate with that how much hard it is to get even in top10. However, I am renting quite a few cards in this season and right now having almost all the modern cards active right now in my account. I just thinking it as a bet if I can reach a good place and get a good return in my renting investment or if not, I will be happy just with the SPS I earn from winning every ranked match and the reward chests along with that.

Talking about reward chests, we know that we get them in two ways, first the daily focus reward chests which can be claimed daily, and the other is season reward chests that opens after every season end and reset, which hets around 15 days. For season chests, I have collected 87 so far, they may seem a lot in count but they are actually diamond level chests and not champion. For daily focus reward chests, I try to collect 7-10 chests daily and today also, I played and stopped after getting 10 chests because my energies went too low. Xxx However, in this post I will be talking about 3 soul bound reward cards that I have maxed out recently in my collection. You guys know that this latest edition reward NFT cards that we get for free are account bound now. We can not Buy or sell, transfer, delegate or rent these cards out, so the only way is to play more and more and get them From chests yourself and upgrade them. I am collecting therm since their release and by only recently, I have come to upgrade only some of them to max level and today I will talk about three of them. So without further ado, let us begin..



The first monster that I would like to add at list would be the Firecaller here. I love playing with Fire splinter often and has almost all the cards for modern collection and adding this monster makes my fire deck even stronger. This card is very usable in medium to high mana matches. This is a common edition reward card with ranked as its attack type. It costs 5 mana to be used in battles and with it’s 3 abilities at max level - Martyr, Fury and Snare.


As I like to throw matches with Yodin zaku summoner often while choosing fire cards, This card will help me with better firepower in those matches. At max level, this card possesses 4 ranged attack at 4 speed with 4 health along with those 3 abilities that I mentioned above. It becomes an anti flying card with snare and also with its martyr ability it will give more stats to adjacent cards which I like very much about it. So, upgrading this card into max level really cheers me up.


Drybone Barbarian

The second card that I would like to showcase here that I recently upgraded into max level is the Drybone Barbarian. This is also a common type card which costs a large 9 mana to be used in battles. So clearly, you can only use this card from medium to high mana limit matches but its high amount of stats clearly is worthy of its mana cost. This card belongs to the Life unit and it is a melee attack type monster. This monster is a very usable choice for front defence, because along with other stats, it possesses 3 awesome abilities at max level - Enrage, Knock out and Retaliate.


When this card become a max level, it gets a whopping 6 melee attack at 4 speed with 12 health along with those 3 abilities that I stated above. So you can imagine the amount of it attack power it launches during the battle when combined and triggered with retaliation ability. Moreover, its high health helps him to stand alive for long and the Enrage ability when triggered gives it even more stats in all aspects, making it even more deadly. So in high mana limit matches, especially in melee mayhem and super sneak Ruleset matches this monster can be your best friend.



The last monster that I would like to add in this top 3 list is none other than the popular Swamp Spitter for today’s post. This monster is already being upgraded to max level by many players already, because it is the common card seen in those reward chests. I also levelled it up to max level 10 some time ago and with its defensive abilities, it is serving me quite well. This card belongs To the water splinter and it costs 7 mana to be used in battles. It helps to kill down enemy cards with 10 or more mana cost along with the Giant Killer ability and with its repair ability, it repairs a potion of the broken friendly armour every round.


When you upgrade this card into max level, this monster possesses 4 ranged attack at 4 speed with 3 armour and 6 health along with those 2 abilities I mentioned above. For a 7 mana cost, this monster gives you a good ranged attack with more attack to bigger monsters while a defensive repair ability to help to fight longer. Its decent armour + good health combo also helps it to stand up against multiple attacks so it will fight with you till the end.

I hope all of You loved the soul bound reward monsters that I talked about above and also liked reading the post. What’s you first maxed out or most upgraded card right now? Let me know in the comments below and I will be seeing you all in my next post.

Wish you all good luck on all of your future Splinterlands matches.

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Stay well and keep playing Splinterlands!

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