Splinterlands Contest!! Win a GOLD FOIL Pelacor Mercenary!


Its Giveaway Time!!!

Hello everyone! In anticipation of my 100 Subscriber party on Twitch, I'd like to do a giveaway right here on Peakd! I want to give back to this wonderful community, and what better way than to give away free stuff?


How to Enter!!!

There is only ONE requirement for entry into this giveaway. In the comments below, tell me what Splinterlands means to YOU and how it has changed your life. I will be reading these with my children, and we will chose the winners together! If English is not your native tongue, don't worry! You can write in English the best you can, and/or in your native language. We can use Google Translate. We want everyone to be able to participate!

The Prizes!!!

The grand prize is a Gold Foil Pelacor Mercenary!! Second and third place will each receive a regular foil Venari Crystalsmith. I will choose the winner a week from today, on Saturday, December 4th.

Pelacor Mercenary_gold.jpg

I can't wait to hear about what Splinterlands means to you! Be sure to follow me on Twitch, and join me for my party on Monday night! Luthien1289 on Twitch

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