A Legendary Surprise! Untamed Pack Opening!

Opening an Untamed Pack!!!

untamed pack opening.png

Yesterday was an awesome day! I was feeling so lucky. I won Marbles races THREE times during the day. I rarely win Marbles, so this was crazy! I got third place in @clove71 's tournament. I watched Clove pull a Yodin Zaku out of her Untamed pack, which was so amazing to watch! She has a post about it HERE! I was absolutely giddy when I saw what she pulled, I was squealing with joy! Clove is one of the most generous people I have ever met, and she absolutely deserves that amazing card! Watching that made me want to open an Untamed pack myself, so I plodded off to Hive engine and bought one. I wanted to open it on stream, because I seem to have Streamer's Luck!


I started out by revealing the Common cards, which were really great! Then I revealed the Epic card. When I hovered over that last card, I saw the fabled Golden Glow......Here is a clip so that you can watch for yourself!

I did end up buying another pack (with the help of @uhlrik !! Thanks again, Uhlrik, I will pay you back!) but it was nothing to write home about. No worries though, I am super happy with the Epic and Legendary cards that I pulled! I am still in shock and riding the high of that amazing pull!

Thanks for reading, everyone! What is the best thing that you have pulled from a pack opening? Let me know in the comments below! :)

Please follow me on Twitch here: www.twitch.tv/luthien1289

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