Legendary Dragon Unit "CHAOS DRAGON"

The Chaos Realm has preyed upon many a world, opening rifts in time and space to invade the lands and take from its people. When they attacked Praetoria and the Splinterlands, it was first thought that the minions were compelled through the portal for their fear of the dark shade that lurked beyond the gate, the shadowed image of Uul. Eventually though, when the last of the armies stepped through, there came such a prodigious monster that at first, none could believe it was real. A nightmare dragged forth into reality.

As it flew through the spinning vortex, the Chaos Dragon let forth a violent shriek, so loud that it was felt in the far reaches of every Splinter. The people of Praetoria fell to their knees, terror taking the strength from their legs and the courage from their hearts. For an army of monsters can be fought, the land defended with righteous fervor. But when even the invading hordes are fleeing before such a beast, what hope can there be? The answer is none when the eater of worlds has arrived, the true devourer of existence.

Surely such a thing couldn’t be the puppet of Uul? How could anyone command a creature that has flown from one cosmos to another, feeding upon alien planets? But it was his most potent being, one that existed before time had conceived the very gift of life itself.
Lord General Reinold, of the order of the Silver Shield, sat astride his warhorse and looked out across the vast plains of Ixzoc. Lined formations of warriors stretched as far as the eye could see, from right to left, their tall pikes reaching up to the sky, threatening the sun with sharp spikes. Behind them were great square phalanxes of paladins standing to attention, their cloaks brushing against highly polished plate armour as they waved in the breeze. To either side were his knights, gilded lances pointed to the heavens adorned with pennants denoting the Order of the Shield.

Reinold thought back to their journey from Khymeria to Praetoria. It had taken weeks for the nation's admiralty to sail the army here and now they’d arrived he was unsure of where to go. ‘Close the chaos rift’ the council had instructed, ‘stop the creeping plague’, but this land was so alien from anything he’d ever seen. Aside from the small port at Blue Harbour, they’d not come across any great cities.

His attention was taken as a cloud passed before the sun…no wait, not a cloud. What could be so vast that it could blot the sun from the sky? He lifted his head and looked to where the shape moved. Jagged spikes jutted from the body and head, pointing in all angles before continuing along the back and onto the spine of its long tail that flicked at the air like a serpents forked tongue. The wings were so vast that Reinold swore they could envelope the entire continent in darkness if the creature wished it, or raise an immense hurricane if it were to beat them hard enough. Dark pearlescent scales warped from purples and blacks, to a sickening blood red that made his vision swim. And then it was gone.

The next he knew, a decaying blast of necrotic energy swept across the entire army. Plate armor instantly dissolved in the caustic discharge, skin and flesh bubbling beneath before putrefying into liquid filth. Not a soul was left standing, not one single soldier. Reinold looked down at his own body, a shimmer of white light about him, a persistent and repulsive purple haze pressing in on all sides. There was movement beside him and a cloaked figure stumbled forward into view.

“My Lord, I can’t hold this shield for much longer.”

Reinold felt his skin prickle beneath the relentless weight of chaos. “High Priest Lehin,” he coughed, his throat itching with an acidic burn. “Flee...save yourself. Someone must warn Khymeria.”

Then darkness took him and all was lost.

Has an increased chance of evading Melee or Ranged attacks from Monsters who do not have the Flying ability.

Does additional damage to Monsters adjacent to the target Monster.

This Monster's attacks hit a random enemy target.

All enemy Melee & Ranged attacks have an increased chance of missing their target.

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