RE: Calendar Giveaway + Winner - 22 September 2023 (Ratings!)

Hello brother,

I tried peakd, it was fine just a few moments ago. I'll see what to write for SMC and then move to BMS. !LOLZ 😁

I see games like Crypto Shots and PsyberX are good combination of crypto and 3d graphics, but we need more improvement in them so general public can feel a real shooter game experience like CyberPunk 2077. !PGM 😉

Even the democratic voting has too many flaws or per se it has a central control for announcing the results, for example take Al Gore's example. 🤣

That's good just keep it saved for when you return to super mart, I think you are always lucky that it shouldn't have happened, hehe. But, life shows us good and bad experiences. !LUV

Wish you a great Weekend at home and have a wonderful gaming. (press buttons Window + . to add emojies)

Rating 6

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