LEGEND OF THE BALE (Battle Mage Secrets - Holy Protection)

The monks of Holy Alliance secretly invented a new protection for Praetorian Knights and they named it Divine Shield. The secret formula was kept in a sacred mausoleum of old kings.

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One day, a team of Arcane Thieves dug into the mausoleum and stole the parchment of Divine Shield, and sold it in a black market. Somehow, the copies of the secret formula reached every faction and they started to use it in their wars with other factions.

Now, battles are often fought between adversaries using Holy Protection and we'll fight a battle using Holy Protection this week.


This ruleset gives a buff of Dive Shield to all monsters from both sides. Divine Shield protects against the first hit of any attack type from any monster. Divine shield is also removed after taking damage from blast ability.

Additional Ruleset: Are You Not Entertained

This ruleset gives the ability to use 1 Gladius Case card, the Gladiator cards are powerful monsters, when they kill an enemy unit they get 1 point to each stat due to Bloodlust ability.



This was a test team selected based on the previous battles of my opponent. But, I'd got an unexpected team from my opponent.

Following list includes all the summoners and monsters from both sides:


Eternan Brune (Summoner) Tyrus Paladium (Summoner)
Antoid Platoon Drybone Barbarian
Disintegrator Captain Katie
Sorriel the Bale Adelade BRightwing
Creeping Ooze Gargoya Scrapper
Radiated Scorcher Pelacor Conjurer
Chaos Agent



I had derived this strategy against Fire melee units with armor, but unexpectedly my opponent used a very powerful magic team.

Although I first intended to use Gladiors, I then added baits for stealth monsters in the backline. My summoner was used to remove enemy units' armor and he was damn successful in it.

Summoner and Monsters in Action

Eternan Brune is a rare Fire Summoner, he can be used to remove 2 Armor points and also summon 1 Gladiator card in the battle. He removed the armor from enemy units which helped my monsters to hit directly their health.

Antoid Platoon was used as a tank to take most of the damage giving Sorriel more time to hit enemy monsters from behind.

Disintegrator has played an important role by taking all the damage until Sorriel could remove the main enemy magic units. He also reduced the melee damage of enemy units.

Sorriel the Bale was the MVP of the battle because he removed all the enemy units by himself using his double magic strike. He proved to be a heavy hitter when provided with good support units.

Creeping Ooze stayed in 4th position and he reduced enemy units' speed and allowed his allies to hit first.

Radiated Scorcher had a role of a bait unit, although he did die as there was no stealth unit in the enemy lineup.

Chaos Agent was also used as a bait and he survived until the end of the battle.



How powerful Sorriel can be, if you want to know, you must watch this battle of legends and tell us your thoughts about Legend of the Bale.

YouTube Video

To view card stats and more information about units, visit Splinterlands by clicking this battle link.



What to expect when powerful mages have to fight each other using Holy Protection, just to say that the battle must be epic.

Every monster on the battlefield is enveloped with Divine Shield and they feel happy about it.

Eternan Brune gives no chance of adding armor to enemy monsters by Tyrus Paladium, and it is so embarrassing for him.

Creeping Ooze spits shards of slime on enemy units reducing their speed and slowing them to wait for their turn. Disintegrator also reduces their melee attacks.

Rounds 1
Sorriel the Bale starts the battle by hitting Drybone Barbarian twice with his fire magic.

Antoid Platoon avoids the first attack because of the Holy Protection ruleset, but most of the ants are killed with magic attack. Sorriel's Divine Shield is removed by Captain Katie, time to worry about the outcome.

Round 2
"Die, die, you a filthy lump of creeping ants. shouts Adelade Brightwing and kills all remaining antoids in the platoon.

Sorriel takes another big blow from Katie, but his eyes burn with more ferocity now.

Round 3
Sorriel laughs so hard "Sweetie Katie, your sniping skills won't help you kill me anymore, here is my first gift to you."

He blazes Drybone and turns him into a lump of ash on the ground, then he removes Divine Shield from Katie making her vulnerable to attacks.

Round 4
"So sorry my dear Captain, I have no choice but to burn you with my hellish flames." says Sorriel the Bale with a fake gloomy face.

Captain Katie is no more on the battlefield, all her remains are now black dust.

Round 5
Adelade cries and swears "At least, I am here to avenge my Captain's death, I'll seize your soul Bale." and then kills Disintegrator.

Round 6
"You're welcome, I stand in front of you, do as you wish my cutie pie." Sorriel takes a pause and says "Oops, but it is my turn, honey."

Sorriel burns her wings and she falls to the ground surrounded by blazing flames.

Round 7
Sorriel attacks Gargoya Scrapper and kills him, then he throws a fireball toward Pelacor Conjurer clearing off his Divine Shield.

Round 8
"Conjurer bloke, don't cry, I'll keep your sunglasses as a trophy if they don't melt after I burn you to death" and yells "Say cheese".

With that final kill, Sorriel the Bale throws some magic bombs into the air and red hot fireworks can be seen in the sky.



Even though my actual strategy was for different opponents, it proved to be quite successful against 3 heavy-hitting monsters. Sorriel Bale's double strike with the magic attack was one of the turning points in the game.

Although, it was tough to win because of Captain Katie's Snipe ability which did substantial damage to Sorriel.

Holy Protection also played an important role in giving my team a chance to stay for more rounds and this way my team won the battle.

For future use of Sorriel, I'll change my strategy to save him from snipe attacks, I'll change his position to 4th position and insert a healthy ranged or magic monster to buy him even more time to survive.

Do you like this strategy, I would love to know about your views on this battle strategy, use the comment section or buzz me on my Twitter.


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Battle video is published on YouTube, visit my YouTube Channel

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