HILL GIANT OF TALUS BLUFFS - (Weekly Battle Challenge)

Fighting Earth units in Splinterlands is a big challenge because Earth splinter consists of some very huge combatants, and those fight their enemies so valiantly and defeat them to death.

Hill Giants are among those formidable adversaries, who only attack when they are threatened or when they defend their land or someone in need.

Hill Giant card is making his entry into the weekly battle challenge, and we will see how he helps his allies in the battle.



Hill Giants are colossal humanoids and love to live in hilly areas, Talus Bluffs is known to be their native habitat. They are typically peaceful beings despite their gigantic size and like to gain knowledge from other cultures and local tribes. They know how to defend themselves and their allies from hostile forces. Praetorians have an alliance with the Hill Giant tribe, and these giants helped them defend their homeland against Chaos Legion armies.





With low mana cost, Hill Giant is a nice card with 6 Health and 1 Attack. It can be upgraded to level 10, where he becomes more powerful and also gains "Stun" ability from level 6. Although, his speed is only 1 which makes this card less effective in a battle.

Special Abilities
Stun is the only ability this card gains from level 6. A successful Stun ability freezes the target card for 1 turn.



Obsidian (Summoner) Kelya Frendul (Summoner)
Hill Giant Albatross
Regal Peryton Hardy Stonefish
Goblin Psychic Chaos Agent
Mycelic Morphoid Deeplurker
- Kulu Swimhunter
- Ice Pixie

It is wise to use a magic team against the Water units because it is tough for melee and ranged attackers to remove their armor quickly. Therefore I took "Obsidian" to boost the magic of my team.

Hill Giant was used at first position as a tank and to save mana for other strong cards.

Regal Peryton is on 2nd position because if Hill Giant gets down, Peryton would take his place and could evade some of the attacks by opponents.

Goblin Psychic card provides support to any card at 1st position by healing it and also throws magic balls to the opponents.

Mycelic Morphoid is used as bait for sneak and opportunity monsters, this will consume their turn.

Battle Video
If you look at the opponent's cards, he has 2 extra cards in his team, which makes my team a little weaker against him, but how I turned the tide of the battle, watch this video to learn more.

Here is the in-game battle link, click here...



Both summoners have different abilities to boost their allies in the battle, once they buff each ally, the battle begins with a big shout-out to their allies.

Round 1
Regal Peryton shouts "No way home! Albatross, time to zap you.", and he hurls a magic orb towards Albatross that instantly fries him to crispy fried chicken, Hill Giant gulps the Albatross and shoots a stinky belch.

Deeplurker finds an opportunity and kills Mycelic Morphoid. Then Goblin Psychic shoots a magic ball at Hardy Stonefish and laughs "Hill Giant, eat this fish meatball while I heal you.", "Umm, nom nom, yum yum, giant thansk golbin." Hill Giant praises Goblin Psychic in his broken English.

Round 2
"Another Chaos goon, I hate Chaos crap." Peryton zaps Chaos Agent while cussing Chaos legion.

Ice Pixie severely injures the eyes of Hill Giant by hitting them with two magical ice shards, Kulu Swimhunter further lacerates Hill Giant and a final blow from the Deeplurker flattens him to the ground and falls to the ground he says "Petiron, Golbin, no leev battle but vitcorius, avenge me."

Round 3
Regal Peryton and Goblin Psychic devastate Deeplurker with their magic bombs and finally, this fearsome opponent smells like an overcooked tuna, Goblin scolds his face and expresses "YUCK! Ah, his corpse smells rat poop."

Round 4
Goblin Psychic blasts Kulu Swimhunter with a big magic ball and blows his tentacles away from his intelligent head, he is now eaten by some piranhas.

Round 5
"Ice Pixie, oh come little pussy, come to daddy for a zappy.", Regal Peryton put his front legs on her tiny wings and spats her like a fly.



Tell us about your lineup.

Have a look at the 'Battle Lineup' section above, you'll find the Earth splinter team, where magic attack cards are used along with Hill Giant as a tank.

Explain why you put each card in that position and why they are a good fit with HILL GIANT.

According to my Strategy, I wanted to use Hill Giant as a tank that possessed 6 Health and required only 3 mana to be lined up in the battle. While backline warriors do their job with magic bolts that penetrate through normal armor. Regal Peryton would become 2nd tank unit if Hill Giant does not survive, he can evade melee and ranged attacks more often. Goblin Psychic was used as a healer and major attack contributor who had 3 Magic damage. Finally, Mycelic Morphoid was used to lure and sneak or opportunity monster to consume its attack in vain.

Did your strategy work?

It worked as expected, 2 rounds were enough to bring Deeplurker down to 1st position because he lost his opportunity ability while in 1st position and could not attack Goblin Psychic.

What will you try differently next time?

I might try Hill Giant with Dragon splinter summoners and see how this card performs with different Dragon summoners.

Do you like HILL GIANT? Why or why not?

Yes, as this card has a Low mana cost in a battle. If this card is healed up to surviving probability, he can save your backline by consuming enough damage. The only bad thing about this card is its low speed and attack at the first few levels, otherwise, he is a good card for low mana battles.


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Game and stats images Courtesy: Splinterlands.com

Battle video is published on YouTube, visit my YouTube Channel

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