Heart Matters, Not the Size (Battle Mage Secrets - Little League)

When mages want to have fun and they use to bet on their tiny toon monsters, they send them in small skirmishes to see how good can be their little monsters in big battles.

A similar situation arose when 'Life' mages, Ilthain and Sloan" decided to check the efficiency of low-level monsters. They gathered them in the Praetorian arena and asked them to show them their best battle skills.

Therefore, mages effectively imposed the "Little League" ruleset for this short-living battle.


Little League ruleset restricts the use of monsters and summoners costing more than 4 mana. Players can use only 4 or less mana costing units and summoners.

Additional Ruleset: Going the Distance

When a battle comes up with the "Going the Distance" ruleset then no other unit except the ranged ones can be used in the battle. This ruleset only allows ranged units to be taken for battle.



These little monsters are not babies, but sure they are young and full of fervor, what they like to show their viewers matters.

Following list includes all the summoners and monsters from both sides:

Ilthain (Summoner) General Sloan (Summoner)
Venari Marksrat Venari Crystalsmith
Venari Crystalsmith Venari Marksrat
Peacebringer Xenith Archer
Xenith archer -



Low mana-costing monsters die quickly in Little League, so it is good to have a decent unit that has either Heal or Tank Heal ability for survival.

But, winning a battle also requires a strong backline and some boosts to have a tight grip on enemy units. I decided to build a team that could hit first, return some damage to attackers, and heal the tank unit to stand tall in the battle, I took advantage of Ilthain in this situation.

Ilthain with "Return Fire" ability is the best summoner when you are forced to fight against ranged-only units and Speed also gives the advantage to attack first and increase the dodge chances.

Summoner and Monsters in Action

Ilthain is a bane against ranged units, when she applies Return Fire and Speed buffs on her team, she gives them the ability to bounce back some projectile damage back to the hitter and also makes them agile.

Venari Marksrat is placed in the first position because when will die he gives +1 to all stats to any adjacent unit. His death does not go in vain but bolsters the allies to fight more fiercely. His 'Martyr' ability makes any monster a super unit.

Peacebringer takes 3rd position, he is a well-trained projectile thrower, and although he does not like violence, sometimes he helps his friends in battle

Xenith Archer is the last unit in the backline, she does not have any ability but nice health at level 3 to survive some of the rounds or maybe not.



Since this is a Little League battle, do not expect a thunder-booming battle that would shake the earth. But, you will like the strategy and try to use it when you are stuck with these types of rulesets.

YouTube Video

Review this battle on the Splinterlands website by clicking on this battle link.



The battle starts after a tank fired a cannon. Ilthain quickly channels Speed magic toward his units and makes them agile, they can now hit first and also return some damage back to the attackers.

General Sloan reads some lines from the sorcerer's books and gives his team +1 damage to their ranged attacks.

Rounds 1
Venari Crystalsmith shouts in a zealous voice "All units ready, on my command, all units fire." and whispers into Marksrat's ear "Hey! please die quickly, cousin, you can make me strong."

All monsters fire projectiles toward the enemy's Crystalsmith and send him to hell without seeing his performance.

"Martyr must die, Kill me, kill me, please, please, hurry up." requests Venari Marksrat to enemy units and Xenith Archer accepts his wish.

He dies and sends soul essence to Crystalsmith, now he feels strong and can heal more of his health points.

Round 2
Xenith Archer asks Venari Marksrat "What good deed have you done which makes you die by my hand?"

She aims at his heart and shoots a piercing arrow in his chest, Marksrat feels a little needle prick and lands on the ground lifeless and happy martyr.

Round 3
Now, there is only one enemy unit left on the battlefield, Xenith Archer gets a boost from Marksrat's essence, but she is helpless in first position, and can't do anything but wait for his fate to be sealed by her sister Xenith.

Peacebringer talks in a soothing accent "Xenith sister, I am against killing cuties, but peace must be brought by sacrifice." and sighs "Give her an eternal piece."

"Look at the spectators, how joyous they are, General." says Ilthain with a happy face.

"Yes, my strategy sucks, I better not leave my lineup empty." affirms General Sloan and claps "Bravo! to Ilthain."



It was an easy win, the battle ended within 3 rounds, and every unit gave their best performance. I tried to set up a team that could do at least 3 damage per round because low mana costing units had around 3 to 4 health on average.

My opponent had used almost the same unit but he lacked a good strategy and also 4 mana unused, but my team management was good, I put in an Alpha card with 2 ranged attack, which proved to be lethal for my opponent.

It is very hard to plan a good team in restricted battles, but card placement matters a lot if you want to win battles like this one. I'll try the same lineup if such a situation arises again because it is tough to use all given mana in Little League and restrictive battles.

What do you think of this interesting strategy, will you use it or modify it? What monster will you choose if you have to select from other elements?

Answer these questions in the comments section or connect with me on my Twitter.


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Battle video is published on YouTube, visit my YouTube Channel

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