BEAUTY OF THE RIVER (Weekly Battle Challenge - River Nymph)

Splinterlands is full of amazing monsters, some are horrible, and some are very supportive. You'll find interesting support providing monsters in every element of Splinterlands.

This weekly battle challenge is also about a monster who provides first aid support to its allies and also helps them in battle with her magic attack. This beautiful little monster belongs to the water element and is well known for her "Cleanse" ability.

River Nymph is not a powerful monster, but plays an important role in lethal battles having "Noxious Fume" ruleset.



River Nymphs are normally introverted and live deep in the rivers of Splinterlands away from noisy atmospheres. They are diffident in nature, therefore these creatures usually spend their lifetime in seclusion.

They are also very peaceful creatures, but they know how to protect their realm and fight off any incoming danger.



River Nymph is a rare card and hails from Water element. This card consumes 4 Mana to be placed in a battle lineup. River Nymph card has 1 Magic Attack, 2 Speed, and 3 Health points at level 1, but it can be further upgraded up to level 8 which enhances her attack, speed, and health points.

She has 'Cleanse' ability by default, she gains 'Amplify' at level 4 and 'Swiftness' at level 8.


River Nymph card is better suited for battles where you feel some negative effects may apply to friendly monsters, and you want to save your tank from those effects by adding this card to your battle lineup. She will only remove the negative effect from the first monster.

Health and attack-wise, she is not a good card that can be used in most of the battles. Although, an upgraded card might be of good use for battles where you need 'Amplify' and 'Swiftness' abilities to increase indirect damage and speed.

Special Abilities

Cleanse ability dispels negative status effects of a friendly monster at the first position.

Amplify adds +1 Damage point to Thorns, Return Fire, and Magic Reflect abilities.

Swiftness adds +1 to the Speed of all friendly monsters.



Sthispa (Summoner) Kelya Frendul (Summoner)
Agor Longtail Serpent of Eld
River Nymph Ice Pixie
Merdaali Guardian Feasting Seaweed
Scavo Hireling Scavo Hireling
- Deeplurker


(Standard: No restriction or special conditions for battles.)

Since I had got 29 Mana, I thought of using my evergreen 'Taunt Strategy'. There are very high chances of a win when I use the monster with 'Taunt' and provide it healing and armor repair support from the backline.

I selected Sthispa, a Dragon summoner, to gain 'Phase' ability buff. This way I had an opportunity to evade magic attacks receiving the same hit-and-miss calculation as for ranged and melee attacks.

Agor Longtail with 'Taunt' was used as a tank to receive all the damage from enemy monsters. Agor also has 'Flying' ability to evade some of the attacks, and having Phase, Agor can also dodge magic attacks. His dual attacks make him unique from other monsters, so he can deal a big amount of damage.

River Nymph was placed in 2nd position. She is adding extra 1 damage to an enemy monster, although her Cleanse ability was useless because the ruleset was standard and there was no such monster to apply any negative status effect.

Merdaali Guardian took 3rd place in the lineup and she was sued to heal the tank.

Scavo Hireling in 4th position was providing armor repair services and performed quite nicely until the battle ended.

Battle Video
This is a very nerve-wrenching battle between Dragon and Water elements, where both teams are trying to dominate the battlefield. But, you know that all monsters of Splinterlands fear Dragons. Let's have a look at the battle in YouTube video embedded below.

Click here to watch this battle on Splinterlands website.



Sthispa transforms her allies into an incorporeal state by buffing with Phase ability, while Kelya Frendul beefs up his allies' armor and speed by 1 point.

Round 1 to 3
It is like a Tug-of-War game, both teams are trying their best to knock down the tanks, but nothing bad occurs to any team. Serpent of Eld almost stands at 1 health point but fortunately, he receives a little healing shower from Merdaali.

Round 4
Agor Longtail guffaws with rage "You filthy little water serpent, die by my fire breath." , Serpent falls into the water as a barbequed kebab, now he is a feast for fish.

"Oh! my cute distant cousin, I don't like to kill you, but I must save my home from invaders." says beautiful River Nymph, then a magic missile hits Ice Pixie tearing her chest apart.

Round 5
Feasting Seaweed comes face-to-face with Agor Longtail, fire breathes out of Agor's mouth toating Seaweed into a feast itself.

Round 6
"Another barbequed feast is ready, praise my hospitality, you water creatures." Agor says to the fish waiting for Merdaali Guardian's corpse to fall into the water. A shark comes and gulps Merdaali whole.

Scavo Hireling's armor saves him from Agor's claw attack but here comes the magic missile from River Nymph, Hireling falls to the ground spewing black smoke from his rodent nose.

Round 7 to 8
When Deeplurker finds that he is in front of a large dragon, he starts shivering and begging for mercy.

"Did someone say mercy?" asks Agor Longtail with a grinning face, "ha! my claws will teach you mercy.", then he swings his claws multiple times at Deeplurker slicing him into 4 meat loaves.



Tell us about your lineup.

I determined that my opponent might bring magic cards, so I decided to use Sthispa as a summoner to get Phase ability.

As mentioned above, my battle lineup was pretty straightforward, as I used Agor Longtail as a tank, River Nymph as an extra attack provider, Merdaali as a healer, and Scavo Hireling as an armor repairer.

Explain why you put each card in that position and why they are a good fit with RIVER NYMPH.

River Nymph is a low health and low attack card, so the best strategy is to protect her and other monsters using a tank with Taunt ability.

I used a healer and an armor repairer to keep the tank in action. I have put forward further details in the 'Strategy' section about each card used in this battle.

Did your strategy work?

Yes, of course, my strategy leads me to victory in that battle.

What will you try differently next time?

I should try Wave Brood and Naga Windmaster instead of Agor Longtail card, but I doubt this strategy might have a good winning chance.

Do you like RIVER NYMPH? Why or why not?

I only use this card for Noxious Fume ruleset, I like its 'Cleanse ability, which comes in handy for that ruleset. But, I don't like using it as an offensive monster due to its low damage and mana requirement.


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