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My Weekly Battle Mage Secrets - Stampede




The new Weekly ruleset Challenge is an amazing twist that I am enjoying so far and I hope there will be twists like that in the future to keep this Challenge's fresh. 😁

This week the ruleset is the Stampede, which means that the Trample ability on the monsters will retrigger infinitely as long as the trampling unit keeps killing other units.


  • Prime use case for Summoner Possibilus the Wise.

The upcoming Battle ruleset


Spreading FuryAll Monsters have the Enrage ability.
Close RangeRanged attacks may be used in the first position in battles.
StampedeThe Trample ability can trigger multiple times per attack if the trampled Monster is killed.

The mana cap for my next battle is 40, which is quite good, because there will be many options to choose from. The first ruleset is Spreading Fury which is a quite powerful one, because in this battle all the monsters on the battlefield will receive the Enrage ability, which means when they would be damage they will increase their own stats by 50%.

The Close Range ruleset will be also good, because all the ranged attack monsters will be able to attack from the first position, so they will behave like the melee attack monsters.

The Stampede ruleset will require a monster with the Trample ability and if they have it they will be able to attack indefinietly as long as they kill their target. 😇


My lineup

The Obsidian cost only 4 mana, which is perfect for this battle and she has the ability to increase the stats of all the magic attack monsters on the battlefield. 🤫
The Pelacor Mercenary is an amazing tank, because he cost 7 mana has a lot of health and armor and he also be able to Heal himself, which is always a good point from a tank. 😇
The Lurking Puffer is a non-attacker, which means that he doesn't have any attack on its own, but he has an important ability, which is the Silence and that might be crucial in a mirror match against an Obsidian. The Silence means that he will reduce the magic damage of all the enemy monsters by one. 😇
The Goblin Psychic is an excellent magic attack monster, because he has three magic attack damage with the help of the Obsidian, but his strength is his abilities. He is able to heal the first monster in his team and more importantly he will decrease all the magic attack of the enemy monsters by one, which is amazing! 🤗
Queen Mycelia is a magic attack monster and cost four mana, so she will be able to get the +1 magic increase from the Obsidian. On top of that she has the Protect ability, so she will give +2 armor to all of his monsters and might be able to use her Triage ability to heal small amount of damage in my backline. 🤭
Runemancer Florre cost 12 mana, which is a lot and she doesn't have any abilities. She is good, because she has a lot of health and two different attacks, which she can use to attack twice in every round, so she is an amazing damage dealer if you can fit her into your lineup. 😜
Doctor Blight is simply one of the best monster in the game and his only weakness is his slow speed. He has Affliction and Poison, so he will be able to switch off the enemy heal and to Poison his target in case if he manages to trigger his abilities. 💪


The Battle


Please click on the picture if you want to see the replay of the battle.

26uUsAjKTsXCDw7zixZR182JbFKvgzJ9YwsFpTVcRaGCmsqhA1unTgpqrAP9TBG3ngbmQff8XmGHioYU3At33cTpyHohG4z2ZWA19cNAtQpXz8JTL2Eth5Vxc1U3ozJdzUmyRRsLcmFgYoQ2JHa18eEtgZCjy2QR4hqU22 (1).png

My opponent brought Quix the Devious, because he thought that I will bring mostly ranged attack monsters and take advantage of the Close Range ability, so Quix will reduce the ranged attack and speed of my monsters by one.

My opponent has a much better lineup than me, but I hope the my magic attack team will blow them out of the water! 😅

They have higher speed, so they attacked first and they easily killed my Pelacor Mercenary as my tank. 😱

After it was my turn and all of my monsters attacked their Arkemis who had a lot of health and with a little bit of luck (trigger the poison on him) my team managed to kill him at the end of the first round.

In the second round my opponent monsters attacked first, but luckily they didn't have enough damage without the Arkemis to kill my Lurking Puffer and than my team killed their powerful Kei.

In the third round they finally killed my Puffer and sadly I lost a monster with the Silence ability, so my opponent got their magic attack increased by one. At least my team killed another of their monster, so only three monster left in their team.

In the fourth round I lost my Psychic, so they received another buff on their magic attack, but at least we killed their Surveyor as well.


By the fifth round both of us lost another monster and only their Baakjira left against my two remaining monsters.

Baakjira is a very strong monster against a magic attack team and he has the Heal ability as well, so it will be important to place an Affliction on him by my Doctor Blight, so the luck factor will be very important.

Thankfully he placed that debuff on him in the seventh round, so he was unable to heal himself and the high health on my Florre helped me a lot to tank him until he died. 😇

26uUsAjKTsXCDw7zixZR182JbFKvgzJ9YwsFpTVcRaGCmsqhA1unTgpqrAP9TBG3ngbmQff8XmGHioYU3At33cTpyHohG4z2ZWA19cNAtQpXz8JTL2Eth5Vxc1U3ozJdzUmyRRsLcmFgYoQ2JHa18eEtgZCjy2QR4hqU22 (1).png

Battle Result


Did your strategy work? What will you try differently next time?

My strategy worked perfectly, but it was a very difficult battle, because my opponent brought a pretty solid team who was fast and had a lot of damage. My two monster with the Silence ability played a huge role sustain a lot of damage and I think without them I wouldn't be able to win this battle! 🤗


I like to help new players 😉, so if you are just starting this game and you can use my referral link to sign-up, write me a message on Discord (LordDiablooo#3750), so I will send you 100 DEC and few key cards (delegated for an entire season) to kick off your career in Splinterlands. 😊

If you would like to use some of my dividers I have created for your blog feel free to use them following this link. 😉

Thank you so much 🙏 that you took the time to read my Weekly Battle Challenge. I hope it was informative and you liked it. 🤞
