My Weekly Battle Mage Secrets - Target Practice


I love the idea that the Weekly Battle Challenge changed instead of featuring a monster to represent a ruleset. It is so good to do something different than usual and I hope they will continually do this in the future. The best way would be to mix these challenges, so every week would be more interesting.

This week we need to show a ruleset, which is the Target Practice and the way I used it to my (dis)advantage in the Battle I played. 😇

My only problem with this new system is that it is very difficult to do battles with the specific ruleset featured for the week challenge, because it is random what you are going to get and even if you have that ruleset you need to win it somehow, which is not always easy. 😏


image.pngAll ranged and magic units gain the Snipe ability.image.png
Keep a no attack, Magic or Ranged monster in position 2 with Shield, Void, Magic Reflect, Return Fire. Triage helps in this ruleset.

This ruleset is an interesting one, because it will allow all the Ranged and Magic attack monsters on both sides to prioritise the enemy Ranged, Magic or monsters without attack. This means it is very important to use a strong off-tank, which has to beRanged, Magic or a non-attack monster. This way it is possible to counter or at least make the enemy monsters more difficult to deal significant damage to our team. 🤩




Back to BasicsMonsters lose all abilities.
Target PracticeAll Ranged and Magic attack monsters have the Snipe ability.

The mana cap was 37, which is enough to use whatever strategy I would pick. The second ruleset next to the Target Practice was the Back to Basics, which means that none of the monsters on the battlefield has got any abilities.

That ruleset is quite a powerful one, because the stats of the monsters will be the most important factor to win the battle, so it is important to use the monsters with the best mana cost per stats. The only ability they would have is the Snipe, so we need to put a very high health monster on the second position. 😇


My lineup and the decision behind it!

Possibilus the Wise


Possibilus the Wise is a very strong summoner, because he gives three abilities to his monsters. The first one is to increase the Health to all of his friendly monsters by two. The second is Reach, which will allow the second Melee attack monster to attack from that position and the third is the Trample, which means if a friendly Melee attack monster will kill an enemy monster he will get an extra attack against the next monster. 😘


Main Tank


The Diemonshark is my number one choice, when it comes to the Water deck, because he is very fast and has a lot of Armor and Health. His only disadvantage is that he doesn't have any other protective ability, but in the Back to Basics this doesn't really matter, because none of the monsters has any abilities other than what their summoner provides. 😉


The Opportunist

The Deeplurker is a very strong monster in normal circumstances, because he has the Opportunity ability and four Melee attack damage. Unfortunately in the Back to Basics ruleset he lost that ability to jump and kill the weakest monster, but at least Possibilus gave him the Reach ability, so he is able to attack from the second position as well. 🤫


The Decoy

Torrent Fiend


The Torrent Fiend is just a decoy in this fight in case my two Melee attack monster dies, because he will block one or two attack from the enemy monsters, which will give some time to my squishy backline to deal a bit more damage. 😅


Damage Dealer

Nerisssa Tridawn


Nerissa Tridawn is an excellent monster in this battle, because she has a lot of Health and Magic attack damage. She will be the main target for the Snipe monsters in the enemy team, so hopefully her Health will be enough to withstand the enemy fire. 🤞


Repairer and Damage Dealer

Swamp Spitter


The Swamp Spitter is one of the "new" reward card, so it is "quite" easy to acquire him, because it has a chance to be in the loot chests. He has an excellent Ranged attack damage, which is three, so even without his important abilities he is quite a strong asset to his team. 😋


The Untouchable Damage Dealer

Chaos Agent


The Chaos Agent is just a decoy, because he cost only one mana, but I made a big mistake using him at the back of my lineup! He is pretty useless in my back, but if my opponent would kill all of my Ranged, Magic and non-attack monster he will be there to block one or two attack. 🤔




Click on the picture for the replay


My opponent brought Quix the Devious as his summoner from the Dragon Splinter and he mixed it with the Water monsters. Quix decreases the Speed and the Ranged attack for all my monsters by one.

In the first round my Nerissa took some heavy hit, because all of the enemy monsters were attacking her and she only survived barely this round.

The second round started losing her and all of the enemy team started attacking my Swamp Spitter who lost a lot of his Health.

This battle would turn out really bad and really quick unless my Diemonshark and Possibilus are not going to do their Magic, which they did and my Diemonshark and the Trample from his leader made him to kill his Djinn Oshannus who died and immediately he got an extra attack against his Void Dragon who also died as well. 🤗

In the third round my Swamp Spitter were badly damaged and died and in the beginning of the fourth round I also lost my Diemonshark as well.

All the eyes were on my Deeplurker who was my only chance left on the battlefield and he MUST hit his target in order to utilise his Trample ability as well.

Luckily he manged to do that and he killed two enemy monster in a single round and only two Ranged attack monster left in the enemy team, which was an easy bite for him. 😇


I like to help new players 😉, so if you are just starting this game and you can use my referral link to sign-up and also write me a message on Discord (LordDiablooo#3750), so I will send you 100 DEC and few key cards (delegated for an entire season) to kick off your career in Splinterlands. 😊

If you would like to use some of my dividers I have created for your blog feel free to use them following this link. 😉

Thank you so much 🙏 that you took the time to read my Weekly Battle Challenge.
I hope it was informative and you liked it. 🤞

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