Battle Mage Secrets Weekly Battle Challenge! (Broken Arrows)


I love the idea that the Weekly Battle Challenge changed instead of featuring a monster to represent a ruleset. It is so good to do something different than usual and I hope they will continually do this in the future. The best way would be to mix these challenges, so every week would be more interesting.

This week we need to show a ruleset, which is the Broken Arrows and the way I used it to my (dis)advantage in the Battle I played. 😇

My only problem with this new system is that it is very difficult to do battles with the specific ruleset featured for the week challenge, because it is random what you are going to get and even if you have that ruleset you need to win it somehow, which is not always easy. 😏


image.pngUnits with ranged attacks cannot be used. Units with 2 types of attack (which include ranged) cannot be used.Consider utilizing units with Thorns or Magic Reflect, as your opponent will have to use either melee or magic units.image.png

This ruleset is amongst the ones that I like, because it eliminates and entire attack type out of the three, which will require a completely different approach setting up my team. Many times my opponents or their bots are completely confused what to bring and it will makes me a free victory. 😇




Broken ArrowsRanged attack Monsters may not be used in battles.
Heavy HittersAll Monsters have the Knock Out ability.

The mana cap was 99 and only the Life Splinter will be available, so the chance for a mirror match using the same summoners and monsters will be quite high. On top of that the Ranged attack monsters are banned, so that is why I have to try something different than usual and if my opponent will choose a classic lineup I have to think how to beat him around.

The 99 mana will allows us to use whatever we want, which is a good and bad thing, because higher budget teams will have an advantage and we are not going to be restricted what to choose and it will be easier to setup a lineup.

it is worth considering takind advantage of the Heavy Hitters ruleset, but it requires a monster with the Stun ability, because if you manage to Stun an enemy monster all of our monster will deal double damage against it. 🤗


My lineup and the decision behind it!

Grandmaster Rathe


I have used the 'best' Summoner (at least for me) from the Life Splinter and that is Grandmaster Rathe, because he has three abilites to provide to his monsters. The first is to give +1 Armor to all of his friendly monsters, which is always nice to block an incoming attack.

The second is his Void Armor, so all of my monsters will be able to use their Armor against the enemy Melee and Magic attacks and the third is his Amplify ability, which means that if you have a monster with the Thorns or Magic Reflect ability it will increase the reflected damage they do to their enemies. 😋


Main Tank
Coeurl Lurker

The Coeurl Lurker is a very special monster and usually a tank, because he has all the abilities what a good tank would need except the Shield ability. He cost 11 mana, which is a lot, but not in a 99 mana battle.

He has the Taunt ability, so all of th enemy monsters will target him directly and he has a lot of Speed with Evade and the Phase ability to try to dodge and evade an kind of incoming attack. 🤫


Second Main Tank

Bera Dallin

Bera Dallin is one of my new favorite monster, who became one of the best tank in the game. He has Taunt ability as well just like the Lurker, but on top of that he has the Shield ability as well!

He also has one of the new abilities in the game, which is the Armored Strike, which means that he is able to use his Armor to get an extra attack in every round as long as he has Armor piece left. 💪


The Reacher?

Corsair Bosun

The Corsair Bosun is an excellent monster, but it is a bit pricey costing exactly 10 mana. It is expensive to use him in every battle, but in a 99 mana battle he is a gift!

He has quite a lot of Speed and an enourmous Melee attack damage, which is amazing. He also has the Reach ability, which means that he will be able to attack from the second position. His Reflection Shield will protect him against the enemy reflect damages or any kind of indirect damages like Blast. 😉


Magic Damage Dealer
Harbringer of Chaos

The Harbringer of Chaos is one of the new Rebellion monster and he is quite good, because he has a lot of Magic attack and Divine Shield, which will protect him against one incoming attack completely. 😀


Main Supporter

Adelade Brightwing

I used Adelade Brightwing to give some heal for my backline, because she has the Triage and Repair ability, which means that she will repair some Armor to one of the most damaged monster and provide some Heal as well.

She also has the Resurrect ability as well, which is amazing to revive the first friendly monster who has fallen in the battle with one Health and all of his Armor. 😆


De-buffer and Poisoner

Meriput Magician

The Meriput Magician is another support monster with the Tank Heal ability, which means that she will heal the monster in the first position in every round. As a healer he also has the Shield ability, which is a bit of surprise as it is not a common thing for a support monster, but essentialy he will halves all the incoming Melee and Ranged attacks tageting him. 🤭




Click on the picture for the replay


Their was only the Life Splinter available for this battle, so my opponent picked the same Grandmaster Rathe summoner like me, so it will be important to setup my team with a twist in order to prevail over my opponent. 🤞

In the first round my opponent monsters could easily killed my Coeurl Lurker, but luckily he made few critical evades and dodges to survive until the next round! 😜

The second round started damaging his Drybone Barbarian who was a beast with his 8 Melee attack, but luckily my monsters killed him before he could attack and even thought his Adelade revived him back to life he forgot to attack this round and by the end of the round my team killed him once again. 😅

Not much happened in the third round apart from the fact that my Adelade had to resurrect my Lurker back to life. 🤯

In the fourth round I lost him permanently, but Bera stepped in and killed his Bosun with his Armored Strike instantly as a revenge. 🤭

In the nex three rounds Bera was able to sustain a lot of incoming Magic attack damage from the enemy team and in the mean time my time killed their monsters one by one!

The Void Armor from my Grandmaster Rathe helped a lot to restore the Armor on my Bera, which made him to use his Armor against the enemy Magic attacks and essentialy win this battle with a huge difference. 🤗


I like to help new players 😉, so if you are just starting this game and you can use my referral link to sign-up and also write me a message on Discord (LordDiablooo#3750), so I will send you 100 DEC and few key cards (delegated for an entire season) to kick off your career in Splinterlands. 😊

If you would like to use some of my dividers I have created for your blog feel free to use them following this link. 😉

Thank you so much 🙏 that you took the time to read my Weekly Battle Challenge.
I hope it was informative and you liked it. 🤞

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