Battle Mage Secrets Weekly Battle Challenge! (Fog of War)


I love the idea that the Weekly Battle Challenge changed instead of featuring a monster to represent a ruleset. It is so good to do something different than usual and I hope they will continually do this in the future. The best way would be to mix these challenges, so every week would be more interesting.

This week we need to show a ruleset, which is the Fog of War and the way I used it to my (dis)advantage in the Battle I played. πŸ˜‡

My only problem with this new system is that it is very difficult to do battles with the specific ruleset featured for the week challenge, because it is random what you are going to get and even if you have that ruleset you need to win it somehow, which is not always easy. 😏


All units lose the Sneak, Snipe and Opportunity abilities.
Scattershot still works in this ruleset.

The Fog of War ruleset is one of my favorite, because finally it eliminates the annoying Sneak, Snipe and Opportunity abilities, which allows the monsters who is having it to attack the enemy backline. It is much easier to build a strong lineup, because I do not need to worry about the incoming attacks hitting my backline. πŸ˜‡




Aim TrueMelee and Ranged attacks always hit their target.
Fog of WarMonsters lose the Sneak and Snipe abilities.

The mana cap is 35, which is a nice amount to use few decent monsters and some cheap damage dealers. Luckily I do not need to worry about my backline monsters, so building a strong frontline is inevitable to win the game.

The Aim True ruleset finally eliminates the rigged 'hit and miss' chance in the game, so all of the monsters on the battlefield will hit their target at 100% chance. 😁


My lineup and the decision behind it!



Tarsa is a Fire Splinter and her main power if to increase the Melee attack and Health to all of her monsters, which is amazing considering that she cost only four mana. 😊


Main Tank
Grum Flameblade

Grum Flameblade is one of the strongest monster in the game and his only weakness is his low Speed. He has a very strong protection against the incoming Magic attack damage thanks to his Void and Void Armor abilities.

His main strength apart from his five attack damage is his Bloodlust ability, which means that he is able to increase his own stats by one if he kills an enemy monster. 😁


Off-Tank Decoy

Scorch Fiend

I used the Scorch Fiend just to give some extra block chance for my squishy backline monsters in case my Grum would die. He cost zero mana and I managed to get a gold foil version of him, so he will increase my revenue by 10% from a winning battle. πŸ˜‰


Ranged Damage Dealer
Lava Spider

The Lava Spider cost only three mana, so he is an easy fit into a small budget team and he has two Ranged attack damage. Luckily I do not need to worry losing him against Ε‘an incoming Sniper attack, so as long as my tank is alive he will be safe here. 😜


Ranged Damage Dealer
Scavo Firebolt

The Scavo Firebolt is a similar budget damage dealer like my Lava Spider, but he cost one more mana and in exchange he will get an extra Ranged attack damage as well to make it to a total of three. πŸ€—


Scavo Hireling

The Scavo Hireling cost only three mana as well and sadly he doesn't have any attack, but he has one special ability, which might decide the outcome of the battle single handedly, because his Repair ability will restore some of the lost Armor on a friendly monster (Grum) once in every round. 😌


The Last Man Standing

The Tinderlock will be my main finisher monster in this battle, because he has 3 Ranged attack, which is nice and on top of that he has the Close Range ability as well, which means that he will be able to attach from the first position as well.

He cost 10 mana, which is a lot, but the Last Stand ability on him will enable him to increase his own stats by 50% if he will be the only monster left on the battlefield in my lineup. 😁




Click on the picture for the replay


My opponent brought Franz Ruffmane, who is a Life Splinter who gives +1 Armor to all of his friendly monsters, but more importantly he will have the opportunity to use a Gladiator card from the Brawls if he wishes to do so. πŸ˜…

In the first round not much happened, because both side had a nice front tanks, but at least my team managed to get their tank Health to one by the end of the round.

In the second round his tank finally died and their Jared Scar took his place who also has the Bloodlust ability, just like his Captain Katie as hi last monster. It is necessary to avoid those monster to kill our monsters otherwise they will get out of control quickly. πŸ˜›

The third round was a good one, because my team killed their Jared Scar quickly and my *Grum was still alive.

In the fourth round my Grum killed their Meriput Magician and he increase his own stats by one, but more importantly they had only two monsters left on their battlefield. 😊

In the following two rounds it was easy for to kill his last two monsters and my team won the battle for me. It was amazing to play with Grum and his team, because he is simply one of the best tank in the game. πŸ˜‡


I like to help new players πŸ˜‰, so if you are just starting this game and you can use my referral link to sign-up and also write me a message on Discord (LordDiablooo#3750), so I will send you 100 DEC and few key cards (delegated for an entire season) to kick off your career in Splinterlands. 😊

If you would like to use some of my dividers I have created for your blog feel free to use them following this link. πŸ˜‰

Thank you so much πŸ™ that you took the time to read my Weekly Battle Challenge.
I hope it was informative and you liked it. 🀞

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