Splinterlands - Daily Rewards Results (9.26.21)


Today rather than looking at my daily quest I am looking at how much I have improved overall in the season. As shown in the front image of post I am at my limit in league, gold III. I can progress a bit more but my end of season rewards will be capped here due to my collection power. I have to get to 150k in power to move on to the next league, but will likely not be able to have this much in collection power increase for another few months.


The highest ranking I ever got was in champions but that was a lot time ago. Now currently in gold and near rank of 3,000 I would still think this is consider okay. Considering how many players are currently playing, likely over 300k, while a good amount are in the gold league I would believe my gold league performance is reasonable.

To aim at a certain goal so that I can determine if I have truly progressed I am targeting a higher overall gold ranking for next season, somewhere close to 2500th.

Until tomorrow happy Splinterlands to everyone.


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