See Which Card I Always Pair with MYCELIC SLIPSPAWN (Share Your Battle Weekly Challenge)

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My two favorite Splinterland elements are Earth and Water. The Mycelic Slipspawn can be pricey in terms of mana cost, but is well worth it. I love the Mycelic Slipspawn card because of the way it takes all the hits from the opponent while keeping other cards safe. I especially love to pair it with a Goblin Psychic in the background. The Goblin Psychic will continually restore the health of the Mycelic Slipspawn each round after it has taken all the hits from the opponent. Oftentimes, this creates a barrier around the other cards that keeps them safe.

I wouldn't say I always win games with this tactic. There have been times where I've lost. However, it does tend to be a tactic that has given me many great outcomes.

A great card duo:

My Game:

Mana Cap: 25
Summoner: Obsidian. Since most of my cards had magic attack, I wanted the +1 magic.

Card Order:
First: Mycelic Slipspawn. In the front taking all the hits from the other team.
Second: Mycelic Morphoid. I only had one mana left after choosing the other cards. I chose this one simply to absorb a hit from an opponent card.
Third: Regal Peryton. One of my favorite cards. I love it because of its speed and its ability to evade melee/ranged attacks.
Fourth: Goblin Psychic. I use this card a lot. I especially used it for this game to restore the Mycelic Slipspawn each round.


I lucked out in this game with my opponents choice in summoner. They chose the Dragon Summoner with Death Element. Most of their attacks were melee and my magic attacks cut right through the shield provided by the Dragon Summoner. Though they outnumbered me in cards, their attacks weren't strong enough to bring down my Mycelic Slipspawn as it was restored by the Goblin Psychic each round. Check out the game here:

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