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This post will be a follow up on the previous post on the Bronze League (you can find the link PLANNING YOUR BUFF AND DEBUFF and PLANNING BUFF AND DEBUFF FOR BRONZE LEAGUE). In this post we will list down all cards which attained buff and debuff abilities at Silver level, and put order on which card best to be prioritized. First let's take a look at those cards:


Notes: I have revamp the table from previous post by adding the Soulbound Reward cards.

Next, we will make a path diagram to show the order of which cards should be attained first and so on. There are 3 (three) main factors which I will use to determine the path diagram.

  1. The importance level of the ability (as explained in my previous post, more important abilities have better chances to applies).
  2. The cost to attain the ability on each card (less expensive card would be readily available to purchase).
  3. The level of mana of the card (card with less mana will be more versatile to be deployed in all mana cap battle).

And now the best route to achieve all them would be like this:


To read this path diagram start from the top-most part and then coming down layer-by-layer which separated by the broken line. Each cards which parallel in horizontal position would means alternatives cards available to select after the previous one. The bottom-most would be the most difficult card to gain or use, and would be the last one to pursue. Each card are decorated with the card image, the bcx required to unlock the ability, and then there's price which based on the price of regular foil.

The explanation for the path diagram are here:

  1. Supply Runner and Countess Sinash will be in the top of the pyramid. Mainly because they both possessed Swiftness ability. They require a rather low cost. Its quite odd to have Countess Sinash, a legendary type card, which cost only $5.25 to reach Level 2 (although the gold foil cost almost ten 30 times of the regular foil). But by preference, Supply Runner should be the better one, since its cost less in both price and mana; and after all its Neutral Splinter which make it available for all Splinter.
  2. On the second layer we move to Thane Newsong which possessed Strengthen. The cost to attain this ability is obscure since Soulbound editions is untradeable. But the unique fact that this card owned a total 4 buff/debuff abilities, make it justifiable decision to put this as priority card.
  3. River Hellondale should be the next target with its Inspire ability. This card also cost quite economic to attain. But the rarest feature of this card is the fact this card possessing Inspire ability as a magic card compared to other card which mostly melee cards.
  4. On the 4th layer, we move a step-back to put Baakjira with its Strengthen ability. Baakjira cost quite a fortune and its the only reason to put it on later priority. Next to it we have Scavo Technomancer with Rust ability and lower card price. Both should be in equal par between their price and their ability importance.
  5. At the 5th layer we put High Priest Darius. Its importance are much lower than the previous ones as this cost a lot both in mana value and card price. And the fact that it possess Weaken only, its importance is coming down.
  6. Entering the 6th layer are 2 of the high mana cards. Queen of Crows and Tinderlock not only cost beyon 9 mana to deploy but also require around $15 to $20 to attain. Evenmore they only hold Headwinds and Silence are the least priority ability which justify these cards position.
  7. The last 3 cards cost a large fortune and therefor they are much difficult to attain which far too costly compared to the buff/debuff abilities could be gained.

3 line Grey.png



Its pity that the silver league unlocks less buff/debuff abilities than the bronze league. At silver league the effect of buff/debuff a little bit diminished because cards getting stronger from parameter growth (especially for buff/debuff abilities which scaling with level, such as Demoralize, Inspire, etc.). Supply Runner and Thane Newsong are the 2 cards I valued very much. Both have potential to possess 2 buff/debuff abilities, which means levelling up these cards is like hitting 2 birds in 1 stone.


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