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Weak Magic is one of the two rulesets which exile magic cards. While Lost Magic completely shut players from using magic cards; Weak Magic only ban magic attack from bypassing the armor. Thus magic attack work exactly the same as melee and ranged attack. So armor traits will have more crucial defensive measure. Using magic cards are no longer preferable. But this naive perspective could cost a lot when opponents capitalize to put debuff against melee and ranged cards.

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Pros & Cons

1. Being lower in average damage compared to melee and ranged cards; magic cards will be less preferable under this ruleset, which means this should bring advantage to players with better melee and ranged cards, and highly armored cards.
1. With magic cards no longer bypass armor, several abilities such as Void and Void Armor will be less effective.
2. Speed and evasion will have more prominent role for defense.

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Best Cards To Use

I believe card with high speed, Evasion ability, and Shield ability will have more advantage in this ruleset. But before all of them, bringing Protect and Repair should be a much higher priority.

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So here we have the battle experience with Up To Eleven as the ruleset. Click BATTLE LINK to see how the battle run.


The battle has a maximum 38 mana cap, with Ferocity and Weak Magic as the rulesets; while only Water, Earth, Death, and Dragon Splinters are made available.

Int his battle I decided to try out Underboss Fabino with its +2 melee or Poison effect options. I pick Mycelic Infantry to lead the frontier Tanker, and then follow up with Regal Peryton with its swift maneuver. Queen Mycelia follow next to fortify the formation with its Protect. And then the rear squad will be a full ranged cards to rain down the arrows. I don't think my ranged cards are the best, and it seemed I paid too much mana for low damage output.

Meanwhile across the side, my opponent decided to bring Immortalis as summoner. Fortunately I did bring only minimum magic cards, which render the Void less effective. But the Shatter could mess up my Protect effect. The frontier was a trap in form of Fungus Flinger and its Martyr ability. The following row followed by Grund, which if affected by Martyr should rise up to 4 damage and 4 speed. Bad news coming up when Venari Marksrat was stood next and my Gobson Sniper had Snipe ability. Next there is Goblin Psychic which turn the battle much more tough. The next two row are Venari Spellsmith and Vampiric Blossom which both should deal supporting damage.


I decided to put my Poison into Goblin Psychic in hope to stop the Tank Heal by the end of 3rd round (or more earlier). Regal Peryton deal no damage clashing against Fungus Flinger with Void. Only Supply Runner managed to deal 2 damage. A misfortune happens to Mycelic Infantry as its armor is shattered by Vampiric Blossom. The battle continue with Venari Seedsmith bring down Fungus Flinger, triggering the first Martyr and shifting Grund to the front row. Luckily Grund has passed its turn earlier and got no chance to strike this round. Gobson Sniper snipe into Venari Marksrat leaving it with 1 health remaining.


The battle continue to 2nd round. This time with 4 damage and 4 speed its an easy-peasy task for Grund to land the killing blow into Mycelic Infantry. Regal Peryton failed to capitalize its high speed and Flying resulting in Venari Spellsmith and Vampiric Blossom deal direct hit. And the trouble start to get serious when Gobson Sniper hit into Venari Marsrat, leading to both Grund and Goblin Psychic getting buffed. The 3 magic damage sure hurt a hell into Regal Peryton.


Although my formation lead in number, the battle turned for the worse with Grund and Goblin Psychic scored a kill on Regal Peryton and Queen Mycelia. At this rate I got no Tanker anymore, and now Supply Runner must stood inactive in the front row. What worse, it got no armor anymore from Protect ability. The Poison finally make its use as Gobson Sniper hit right into Goblin Psychic, ending it for good.


The fate is sealed for good for my formation when Grund launched a double-strike which send a double-kill into Supply Runner and Gobson Sniper. With Venari Seedsmith stood in the front-row as bodybag, there's no chance for my formation to make a comeback.


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Martyr has always been an annoying ability which could jeopardize your assault strategy. One is already a nuisance, and two is even more. Other else, I have failed to anticipate the Shatter from Immortalis which would render the armor and Protect ability to be useless. My first time use of Underboss Fabino didn't give a great impression. It might be too much to rely on Poison effect on single card alone for a 5 mana cost.


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