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             How is it going, folks? @kaylerfaye here and I hope this blog finds you well. Today, in celebration of achieving one of my self-imposed milestones on @splinterlands, and as my way of giving back to the community, I decided to do this giveaway. My prize is nothing grand as I'm still starting to build my assets too but I hope you'll like it. Who knows maybe someday someone's gonna love you cough... cough... I mean maybe someday I'll be able to do packs or legendary cards giveaways same as our beloved Splinterlands content creators 😎.

             Before I tell you how you can participate in the giveaway, I'll tell you first what was the Personal Millstone I achieved. This goes back to when the Modern Rewards Card was released to our Loot Chests. Back then I had my fair share of bad luck with the loot chest. But I get lucky sometimes pulling a good amount of DEC and legendary cards except for one. I'm talking about this guy... hmm... this Carabao? this Gargoyle perhaps? 🤔.


             Anyway, of all the Modern Rewards Cards, Harklaw is the only one I haven't pulled yet out of the 5 accounts I'm playing. That's why back then I made a promise to myself that I won't be buying copies of this b*tt-naked Demon Carabao until I get at least a BCX of it from loot chests. But the long wait is over. Last season was the opportune time, it is said that when all nine bald heads align a phenomenon of great magnitude will happen, and that is when I finally caught the Legendary Calvin Klein underwear model wanna-be Harklaw.


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             Alright thanks for sticking around up to this point. I'm thinking of doing these giveaways from time to time especially if I achieved one of my milestones again. To join, kindly comment your answer to the fun question below together with your IGN.

             A submarine made out of lead can carry 60 people. 30 men and 29 women got on it, the submarine sunk. Why?

             Among those who will get the correct answer, I'll be picking 2 winners of Level 1 Gargoya Devil (Regular Foil) each.


             For those who will not get the correct answer, you still have a chance to win. I'll be picking 1 winner of a Level 1 Venari Heatsmith (Regular Foil). from you guys



  • After 48 hrs upon posting, winners will be drawn via Random Wheel Picker.
  • The draw will be recorded and posted on my 3speak.tv channel.
  • Be sure to include your IGN together with your answer or else I will use your HIVE username to send the prize if you win.

There you go, everyone. This is my first time doing giveaways and I'll apologize in advance if things may be all over the place. But rest be assured I'll continue to improve better. Good luck everyone. Speacial thanks to my friend @inuke , if it wasn't for what you did. I won't be able to make a 2nd post this week.

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             Are you a gaming enthusiast like me? Come and be part of "NFTy Arcade". They are one of the top blockchain gaming guilds out there. Their goal is to create whole new flourishing economies around the world while bringing back the beloved nostalgia of the arcade 👾🎮👽. Currently, they have scholarships on Axie Infinity and Splinterlands which I'm a part of by the way, but they are trying to expand their scholarship programs to other blockchain games soon. So sure to check them out on their Website, Twitch and Twitter.

             Do you love blogging on HIVE? Then you better not miss joining "India United". They are collective members from India, a curation community that helps bloggers on the Hive ecosystem to grow. They started as an India-only community but they saw potential in good quality content from other nationalities which sadly don't get enough credits and recognition often being overshadowed so they decided to open up their curation community to all aspiring Hive Bloggers out there like myself. Come and be part of the growing India United community.


             If you find this article helpful a like & follow would be awesome. Upvotes will also be very much appreciated 😍😘. May God bless us all. Thank you and I'll see you in the next post.

If you're a new player and have decided to register in the game, you can use any of my referral links below to get started.



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