Splinterlands season rewards were not all that?

It has been a damn long while that I ended up in Splinterlands in the Gold league. This has everything to do that I am not a consistent player on a daily basis, and I only play something when I feel like it or when I have the time. Those things are not very often together at the same time.

So after a season you get bumped back a league in where you start again Logic and fair I fair. And if you slack again in that season as well, you get bumped back another league. You get how it goes right?

This means that at a certain point you are somewhere in bronze and to get somewhere you have to work all your way back.

You are GOLD! Always believe in your soooooul....

....You've got the power to know....you're indestructable (a classic!!!!)

And honestly....that isn't always as easy as you would think. I have a nice deck of cards actually from all sets of cards ans Splinter. but the sucky thing is, they function way better on the higher levels. Because in the Bronze league, level 3 cards don't have all of their features.

Which is kind of good for the game so that not everyone gets wiped out by really strong decks because that would be really disencouraging. But it also means that when I fall back into the bronze league, it takes me a damn while to get out again!

Once in silver league it is a walk in the park to get out of here and level up. But bronze? Man, that was tough!

But we pulled through resulting in a nice 63 reward chests at the end of the season, which is a decent chance of receiving something very nice.


But when result day came and it was time to see what was inside the chests I can honestly say that I was kind of disappointed on what there was inside.

The higher the league the better the contains of the chests right?

Well with a couple of rare cards but mostly common and a staggering 4.9 SPS in the chests this was really hardly worth the effort of playing.

And don't get me wrong, I like playing the game and that is why I do it. But when there is really nothing fun to see inside there, I have to admit it was a bit demotivating.

Not that there always has to be something good inside, it doesnt work like that at all. But a bit of encouragement just would have been nice to again put in a lot of effort for next season as well.

But still... Splinterlands has always remained one of my best performing assets and I would really like to keep it that way. Also because we like to spread a message to the outside world on how fun this game is and that it really pays off to invest some time and effort in it, because this does give out some bucks here and there.

I guess I will not be taking this season as an example on that. Back towards the fight on getting myself back into gold league!

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