I just love me a good airdrop!

Do airdrops make the investment worthwile every now and then? Well, maybe they do honestly. You just have to be lucky with them, and also have to seize the moment when to do something wise in there.

Splinterlands is giving some love and hate for the last couple of weeks. Batteling has been super good with decent rewards for me, although the rewards have turned soulbound there is also still enough SPS to be collected as well as a Chaos Legion pack every now and then. No complaints. But with the rental market changes and also no new card deck selling in the next couple of months there are some moments that it feels like we are standing still, even though there is probably enough done behind the scenes and at a certrain point it all will explode to awesomeness again, Im sure!

I have been collection some packs from the Riftwatchers series over the last couple of months here and there. Some from the secundary market when they were cheaper, and some through the official canals by buying them with SPS and vouchers which makes you allegable for airdrops.

Since I don't have that many packs in there (I have only 25 allegable and the rate for the airdrop was 1 per 225 packs) finding out that I had received 2 of these standard cards is actually really cool.

When looking over at the market and seeing that there are only 767 of these cards circulating as yet and the seeing the price that comes with this already seems like the Riftwatchers cards were a good idea.

Honestly, I am a big fan of these small card series where no one pays that much attention to it (heck...even when you look at you items page, the Riftwatchers logo is even removed, making them more difficult to track), and remembering the Orbs back in the days was giving me a warm feeling of these cards. I might get some more of them said my impulsiveness haha.

Since the packs are $5 bucks and the price of SPS fluctuates it really can be a good idea to keep an eye on the SPS price to do something with it. And SPS? Yeah, my license node license produces that on the daily, so this still is easy and free cards right?

So I think I will unstake a bit more here and there and get some more of these packs. Because with the grand playing stats (riftwatchers are all high mana cards) these ones are cool to have!

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