Maxed Out Legendaries


I've been talking about how I've been dollar cost averaging into different Splinterlands assets over the past few months...

Watching the experts suggest certain cards to focus on, I've been able to build my deck up though this menthos. And I've never spend a dime out of pocket, I think that's the huge nugget when it comes to this game. If you set it up properly, and reinvest your profits / air drops you can build these cards up which in turn...

Adds more value to your decks ;)

And one of the game plans I've had was to purchase the new Legendary Rewards cards consistently. And while getting Oshannus leveled up to MAX is still a work in progress, last night I accomplished 2 small goals I had for these new rewards cards:


Harklaw is good to go!!!

Now of course, this does absolutely nothing for my ability to play the game. Because my selection of maxed summoners in the Death Splinter is limited. So what did I do?

Rented him out of course ;)

Which will get reinvested back into my deck to continue to build up other cards.

My average price for Harklaw was around $22.


Biljka is next!

Excited to get this card maxed, because I'm a huge fan of the Earth Splinter but again...My choices for maxed summoners is limited so...We'll rent this guy out as well!

Average price for this card was right around $20!

Now people might argue...

The prices of these will fall!

Sure, that's very possible...but this is the first time in the game that I've been able to max out legendary cards and use them for passive income by renting them out.

I'll continue to dollar cost average into more of them, mostly because I want to play with the cards and I don't have any more to use in battles LOL

Next up....


He's dipping in price, which gives me hope I'll be able to max him sooner rather than later.

What cards are you trying to max out right now?

Be sure to check me out on Tuesdays at 7pm eastern time on Twitch!

We're gaming, learning the game and discussing all things #Splinterlands

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