Flippin' Kitties

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I did something tonight that I never thought I would do in my Splinterlands journey....


I sold a Legendary Summoner....

And not just any old summoner either, a Kitty! Yeah, one of the most popular cards in the game...And I sold a copy!

WTH Jonny??

Let me explain my reasoning and then dive into what I did with that DEC I got from the sale...

First, this isn't my only copy. I have a few Kitties, and even a GFL version of one. So it's not like I'll be missing it...Well, not immediately lol

Of course if this thing goes back to it's record highs of well over $1000 per BCX...I might look foolish.

But what I did with it, will make sense in a second.

Byzantine Kitty - 1000 Collection Power

I sold the card for about 150,000 DEC, give or take.

Keep these numbers in mind....

Bought a Lord of Fire for 47,000 DEC.


This card has been a thorn in my side for months now. Every time I lose a fire match, it's usually because this bugger is paired with Yodin.

Enough...I dove in and grabbed a copy. I'll get +1 ranged and health when he's with Yodin, plus extra health for my team too....And oh yeah, he's only 3 mana.

3000 Collection Power

Gold Foil Baakjira for 47,000 DEC


I was torn between Baakjira and grabbed some Life Gold Foils...But decided to go with this beast of a tank.

I have him leveled up in regular foil to level 3, but this card to me is one of the best new legendaries in the game. And his price really hasn't gone down (or up) that much.

6 mana, void, slow and strengthen. And of yeah, 12 health....

A no brainer!

12,500 Collection Power

Diamond Dragon for 22,000 DEC


I needed one more copy to get my Diamond Dragon to level 3.

Now it's got more health and the Last Stand ability, to combine with flying, slow and cleanse.

I frickin' LOVE this card and use it so much when I can get a dragon team in my matches.

1000 Collection Power

Gold Foil Goblin Chef for 7500 DEC


This was a vanity purchase LOL

Up until tonight, I never knew this card even existed but thought...What the heck.

I doubt I'll use it ever in a game but to me it's very collectible.

Gold foil version of a promo card that has 1300 copies in circulation.

And oh yeah....

1500 Collection Power

So when you add it all up....

I took one copy of Kitty (which is one of the best cards in the game) and flipped it onto 4 new assets.

The 1000 collection power I lost from selling Kitty turned into 18,000....

I got 150,000 DEC for the sale of Kitty and spent 123,500 DEC on the purchases.

I got cards I will use a lot in the game and even got to level up my Diamond Dragon in the process.

Was it a smart move?

When Kitty goes to 5k per BCX....Maybe I'll look back and slap myself. However to me, this was about taking a copy of a card, I didn't use and turning it into 3 cards that I will use almost daily.

And throw in that vanity purchase as well...Hey, I never said I wasn't addicted!!!!

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