ELVEN MYSTIC | Focus Chest

GOBLIN PSYCHIC is a pain with the Affliction ability, seeing it from my opponent's lineup, I new I am going to be in for a tough battle since I have included a Tank Heal in my lineup, but to my surprise the Affliction on OSANNUS only kicked in at the eight round. That was unexpected and I was happy as I watched on.

Another card, with the ability to counter magic attacks is ELVEN MYSTIC with Silence ability at level 4 and also with Affliction ability at max level. It is a card I like and I have been wishing to have it upgraded but yet to make a move on it.

It is a card that will be a good combo with OBSIDIAN and THADDIUS BROOD

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ELVEN MYSTIC doesn't come cheap, it is sell for $1.82 for the Regular Foil and $19.50 for the Gold Foil.


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Fairly good rewards with 19 season chests accumulated so far.

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