Going The Distance: Drybone Raider Is The Key



Drybone Raider is the key

Hello Jabeelievers!

Going the Distance is a ruleset that makes me sing 'Go the Distance' by Michael Bolton. If you don't know what song it is, go and search it on Youtube. This post might not be a big brainer to all. I am sure most of Splinterlands players use Drybone Raider during this ruleset. Let me just share to you this battle where I made fully use of Drybone Raider in all range ruleset.


Going the Distance Ruleset

In this ruleset, only range attack monsters can be used in battle. This includes monsters that has dual attacks as long as they have ranged. For example, Drybone Raider can be used because it has ranged attack and melee attack as well.


Drybone Raider is the Key

Speaking of the orc-looking fellow, Drybone Raider is a good tank for this ruleset. It may not use its ranged attack but it can attack using its melee. This is helpful for instances when the opponent uses Ilthain or Quix the devious as summoners.


The Actual Battle


The rulesets of this battle are Aim True, Fire & Regret and Going the Distance. Aim True allows monsters to successfully attack the enemy while Fire & Regret grants all monsters with Return Fire. This battle is a tricky one because it only allows ranged monsters but will cause those monsters to be damaged due to Return Fire. This is a great opportunity to use monsters that has dual attacks. For my case, I used Drybone Raider as a tank in order to mitigate the Return Fire damage.

To see the full action, here is the link of the battle:




I hope this post helped you in getting more wins in Splinterlands (if you have Drybone Raider, that is)

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Sources: Splintercards, Splinterlands

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