Splinterlands Art Contest Week 268! "Assassinatoon Classroom"

Hello everyone.

For my participation in Splinterlands Art Contest Week 268. I decided to make a drawing from japanese science fiction manga series .

I decided to draw a character of the extremely powerful octopus. This octopus worked as a junior homeroom teacher. And to prevent the him from destroying the earth, his students dedicated to the task it killing him.

I use Autodesk sketchbook to make this drawing. With my usual drawing procedures, I first of use line tool to draw the outline.

I first of made the head and cloth outline.

I now sketch his his hands

Then skecht the legs, followed by his cloth design on the cloth hands

To come out with his gold body color, I then color his skins with yellow color. With the yellow colors, I then decided to combine the colors with dark brown color for the gold color to come out

Final steps

Thanks for visiting my blog today and thanks for your usual support.

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