Battle Mage Secrets Weekly Challenge - The Fog of War Ruleset

Hello all Splinterlands warlocks, I am thrilled to be back active here once again, after a long inactivity with my blogging, I am excited to write here and participate in the Splinterlands weekly challenge. Today, I write to participate in the battle mage secrets weekly challenge and for this week, we have the FOG OF WAR as our ruleset. Stay tuned and watch out for my entry here in this battle.


Before we commence with the battle, we have to briefly discuss the ruleset of the battle we are going to have.

FOG OF WAR: Monsters lose the Sneak and Snipe abilities. A good tank and a balanced lineup of Magic and Ranged monsters are the tricks to win in this ruleset. Use monsters with Opportunity. Keep your monsters in an ascending order of their HP.
When this Monster dies it will self-resurrect with 1 Health once per battle.
This monster's attacks hit a random enemy target

Summoner Used:

I used the FRANZ RUFFMANE Summoner which gives all my monsters extra armor protection and also allows adding a gladius monster. With my line-up, I had five monsters and they were the Drybone Barbarian, Helmet Kharafax, Spirit Hoarder, and Iziar. My opponent had six monsters in his lineup, Lord of Darkness, Corrupted Pegasus, Phantom Soldier, Queen of Crows, Undead Priest, and Creeping Ooze.

Battle Rounds

First: In the first round, all monsters took effect from the summoners respectively by gaining armor protection, my opponent's summoner also decreased all monsters' melee attacks, health, and speed by one.

The Creeping Ooze monster also infected my monsters with slow mode and drastically reduced my monster's speed. With that, my opponent's monsters had the upper hand and attacked first. My attacks afterward were of no better use or effective. No monster was eliminated at the end of the round.

Round two:

In this round, the Phantom Soldier monster with the first attack was able to eliminate my Spirit Hoarder monster with the magic attack.

Not only that but also the Drybone Barbarian monster was eliminated as well in this round. The rebirth ability brought them back but of no use.

Round three:
In this round, my second-positioned monster was eliminated as well and with just another elimination, then I will be finished.

At the end of the round, two monsters were further eliminated and this time around no rebirth to bring them back.

Round four to six:
Things getting worse and worse for me but then I already realized I couldn't be victorious in this battle so I gave up long ago.

The Spirit Hoarder monster was eliminated in the fourth round, followed by Captain Katie in the fifth round and lastly, the Iziar monster was eliminated in the sixth round.

That was a challenging battle for me which I lost at the end of the battle. Check out the battle link here

I hope that you liked and enjoyed my post. Images were taken from Splinterlands website. Also, the ruleset definition and image were taken from Splintercards. com.


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