Splinterlands splellbook worth it if i am buying now?

Hello guys i am new here just created a hive account i am very thankful to Ecency cause they create my free account so now i can use hive decentralised social platforms

Why i joined
Mostly i saw videos about hive and splinterlands on youtube it always inspire me to blogg and play splinterland so finally today i realised that i can create a free account with Ecency and here i am with my first blog🙂

Why i am sad😒
when i was creating my account inside i was thinking about playing splinterlands but it breaks my heart when i login with my account in splinterlands it says you need to buy a spellbook to play and i didn't had 10$ to buy spellbook. so i am asking you guys please share your thoughts in comments buying a spellbook now is it worth it?

Follow upvote to motivate me🙏

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