Why i will not post on splintertalk anymore.

After posting for a few months on splintertalk i started to notice there is a lot spam posts.

So i started to downvote spam posts that clearly doesn't contribute to anyone.

Then some people started to downvote ever comment / post i made. Which wasn't that big of a deal, but after further nozing around sketchy accounds and sketchy posts i noticed what was going on with the splintertalk whales.

Most SPT is awarded to shitty spam post from "Cartels". After around 5 days whales automatically upvote the spam post, increasing the SPT and reputation of the daily spam posters.
This causes a downward spiral of "Cartels" and spammers having more SPT and gaining more SPT.
This is why i think SPT will never be really worth something after the SPS airdrop, and i sold my SPT.

Don't get me wrong, there is good stuff on splintertalk, especially for artists.
But i'm done with it. Good luck all and thanks for the read!


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