May Free GiveAway - 50 Dec

Hi Guys,

I have decided to do my another giveaway to repay back to the splinterlands community for the fun and guidance in the past few months.

From the previous comments, major of you prefer DEC giveaway vs card giveaway so I will stick to giving away DEC again.


  1. To participate in the giveaway, you should leave ONE comment under this post together with your Splinterlands IGN.
  2. Bots and spam-looking accounts cannot participate in the giveaway, and those with multiple unnecessary comments will be treated as spam.
  3. End date to participate is end of this season.
  4. I will use to determine the winner which will be at the start of next season.
  5. After the giveaway is over, I will announce the winner in my next post.
  6. Upvote is very much appreciated although not a must.

Rental is much cheaper during the early season so hopefully the DEC can help the winner have a better start of the next season.

Special thanks also to my @MetaFrens buddies for their encouragements and guidance in the past few months!

Past Participants:
@luizeba, @amaari, @lordanquek, @marleyroots, @koodies, @vaynard86, @seeweed, @original1, @screamheart, @henruc, @chaosbug, @deathstarer7, @relf87, @nysster, @davideownzall

To any new players who wish to explore the world of Splinterlands, do feel free to sign up with my REFERRAL LINK 😊.

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