That's What I Call Champion Chests!

The season has ended today for Splinterlands ranked battles and I finished in Champions League 2, like the season before, which is pretty cool.

Actually, I rented out part of my playing deck during the last 24 hours, because after what I've been getting in chests for focus missions, and compared with the rental income for those 24 hours, on average, I would have an advantage by renting out the cards. It was a sure thing, unlike the focus mission chests, which would have been better if I got lucky.

I did check out the two focus missions I got first, but none of them were one of my favorites for winning using that splinter only.

This time, unlike the previous season, I did track the number of focus chests I received compared to season chests. And it was 6 chests more, even though there were times I haven't always played for the focus.

Throughout the season - especially in the mid part - I can't say I was excited about the rewards. There was an especially rough time, with three days in a row when I only won 2 chests and in one of them I won 2 potions. Call that bad luck, lol!

But hey, that's what season rewards are for. I did make that introduction so you won't envy me for my good fortune on the season rewards pulls, especially if you play in lower leagues. And no, there weren't any GFLs. But still, here they are:


From 60 champion chests, I've got:

  • 3 legendary cards: Oshannus, Jared Scar, and Countess Sinash (this card has awesome abilities but is pricey mana-wise and low health but with camouflage)
  • 4 GF cards
  • 22 other regular cards
  • 6 potions, 3 of each kind
  • 29k DEC
  • 3 packs

SplinterShare estimates the value of these rewards based on market prices at $33.08. I value them higher since I am not going to sell any cards or packs at these prices.

Not bad at all! Last season it was $21.37 from 66 chests. The main factor here is luck or chances, not the number of chests itself. After all, you can have 1 champion chest and find a GFL in it. There is even a slim chance to find one in bronze chests.

I am excited about the season rewards, even though during the season the rewards were rather disappointing.

But to be fair, during the season, regarding the number of focus chests earned, I had both my worse result so far (2 champion chests earned and finding two potions in them) and the best one - 14 champion chests in a day (with good results too, mainly because I found 7k DEC in a chest).

New season now. Starting in diamond, so playing for diamond chests at the beginning, after the recent update regarding ranked rewards.

How have you done with your season rewards this time?

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