Splinterlands Battle Adventures

Yay, Splintertalk interface (and OneUp!) works again! I assume all of them do, and the issue that affected all outposts hosted by Hive-Engine was solved after all...

Yesterday was a strange day for me. I spent it all playing Splinterlands. The time I spent at the laptop I mean, because I have other chores too.

Here's how my ECR looks like, after a night of recovery:


It ended up at 29% and a bit. That's insane! It's true, I started playing at around 68% ECR, I believe.

And when I think that towards the beginning of the season I always started with ECR close to 100% every day...

For those new to Splinterlands, the ECR (energy capture rate) is a measure of how much you play ranked battles. The lower the ECR, the lower the rewards you receive. Just like mana in other type of games, it drops when you use it (when you play ranked games), it regenerates over time, about 1% per hour.

Obviously, I didn't want to play all day, no matter how much of a fan I am of the game. That was my frustration kicking in, for not reaching my goal for that day, and a stepping stone towards the season goal: CL3.

I started the day in Diamond I and almost immediatelly dropped to Diamond II, spending the rest of the day trying to get back to Diamond I, long after the Daily Quest was completed.

In retrospective, I probably proceeded in the wrong way, and I should have left it for today and not destroy my ECR. But my frustration didn't let me, lol. I got to be back to Diamond I. And I finally was.

There were a couple of times when I wanted to quit actually. But then I picked up the streak of battles, which almost never were a streak of wins. Go figure! Who would have thought it's hard to have a streak of wins when you're playing frustrated? :)

So, if anything happened on Hive or even in crypto (other than the bull run continuing in a strong way), I have no idea. I didn't even open my Discord yesterday, which means today is catchup day. I'll start with that, just in case Splinterlands captures my attention again.

Normally, I play my daily quest and that's it. Maybe a few more games if the ECR is too high (which is not always a good idea, because sometimes I end up in a losing streak - one reason could be because I become impatient).

I'm sure you've experienced both excitement and frustration by playing Splinterlands. It's part of any good gameplay. How do you handle things? Does it ever get you going for an entire day? Bots, please don't respond, lol!

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