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Chaos Legion Presale Strategy Locked and Good to Go

With less than 5 days till the vouchers start to be distributed, I can say with a high degree of confidence that I made up my mind regarding the strategy I'll use for the Chaos Legion presale.

Less than a week ago, I still had more than one scenario I pondered in my mind.

Even then I leaned towards the strategy I have decided to use, but since then I became aware of a piece of information which has a big influence in my decision.

During last week's AMA, I learned that packs bought during the presale have an immediate impact on the airdrop points. Which means that if you buy packs during the presale, you will have a bigger share of the daily SPS airdrop, starting with your purchase going forward.

That automatically adds another bonus to the presale packs, compared to those purchased afterwards.

Couple that with the uncertainty surrounding the process immediately after the presale, that's a strong incentive to buy during the presale. By uncertainty I mean how exactly will the process work afterwards (possibly for months, I wonder?). That hasn't yet been decided, said the founders during the AMA, but they said more than once it's unlikely the packs will be available without restrictions at first, to avoid massive purchases from whales.

We could look at a few months of presale packs bonus for the airdrop before mass purchases (another month at least, in my opinion, post presale, or something gradual), and that's not something to disconsider.

So, my strategy will be pretty simple:

  • keep accumulating SPS (staked) and DEC (liquid, no pool)
  • accumulate vouchers, but do not buy any (unless at the end I miss a few to round the number of packs to another 100 and the prices aren't through the roof - unlikely).
  • gradually buy packs every 100 vouchers
  • sell any remaining vouchers, if the price is through the roof, otherwise buy packs with them as well

Why I kept accumulating DEC also? For several reasons:

  • it's much better than a stable coin with the constant pump these days
  • it's better than a pool with a stable coin, because the stable coin reduces the growth rate of the pooled assets
  • I didn't want to expose it to impermanent loss, although there might have been some diesel pools worth checking
  • it has a higher APR than SPS for the airdrop which makes up for the difference in growth rate between DEC and SPS, and it's liquid unlike staked SPS
  • can be swapped for SPS to benefit of the 10% discount

That's it. That's the grand strategy!

In the end, let's have a look at the demand for VOUCHERS, even before they started to be distributed:

Already 3.7k Hive of bids starting to go exponentially. I assume this will keep growing, both in price and in volume. But that's only an assumption.

Well, now that my strategy is all set, I can relax, lol! What do you plan to do, if it's not highly classified?