Splinterlands-Social Media Challenge- Ulundin OverSeer Acting As A Decoy.

Holla splinterfans!

I think am getting pretty good with this set of rebellion cards, As usual am just gonna share the ropes and hooks i learnt on this long battle.


There is a simple ruleset for this battle, which actually favored every unit on the battle field, both my team and my opponent.

This is a 26 mana battle, I went with just 5 monsters including my Summoner in the Earth splinter. My opponent Did the same, and it was as if two brothers battling .

My Team

Summoner/ MonsterReason
Underboss FabinoPoisoned, +2 Melee attack
Ulundin overseerFlank ability
Blackmoor TricksterClose range Ability
Satha ToledoTank Healer
Lurking PurferCorrosive Ward

My Opponents Team

Summoner/ Monster
Regal Peryton
Mycelic Slipspawn
Mycelic Morphoid


Watch full battle on splinterlands

Well....... Here we are again, don't forget the motto "Never go into a battle without a tank healer". I just love Satha Toledo and have been using him lately for my tank healing business.

ROUND 1: Ulundin Overseer Vz Mycelic Slipspawn

I noticed My opponent had Mycelic Slipspawn on his team it will be quite difficult and a challenge for my team to defeat her especially with Lioceros being my opponent's tanker

Its all about Strategy, i know how strong Mycelic Slipspawn is i aint ready to take any chances. Luckily i had Underboss Fabino as my summoner which had the abilty to pick any opponent to be poisoned In every round, so i picked Mycelic Slipspawn to be a victim of that (Evil Laugh)

I made a right choice poisoning Mycelic, She was hitting hard on Ulundin, thanks to Satha The tank healer who came to the rescue

Am surprised Ulundin didnt throw any punches, but taking all the hits from Mycelic and Loiceros.

My attackers Satha and Blackmoor was doing a great job defending Ulundin.

Round 2 &3:

It was a rotational routine, but to cut the long story short, Satha threw a Axe which took Almost all Mycelic life, and In round 3 The poison and blackmoor finished Mycelic off.

Still grinding and no monsters gone from my team.

Round 4

Regal Peryton and Lioceros are starting to become a pain in Ulundin Ass.

Ahhhhh Now i know why Ulundin doesnt attack, because he doesnt posses any attack ability, not melee, range or magic.

I think he is more or less used as a decoy and distraction since he has lots of lives

Round 5-13

Ohhh now i get it, i think i figured out whats actually going on in there in between these rounds.

Its actually a rotational routine, now here is what's going on, pay close attention.

If you noticed Ulundin and Lurking doesnt posses any attacking ability, but there do have quite reasonable amount of lives, that is why through out the game Ulundin especially didn't attack but received attacks.

Its as if Ulundin was placed in the tank position, taking the attention and distracting my opponent attackers to focus all their energy on him while my attackers kills them one after the other from behind.

This was indeed a battle of decoy, and i love this strategy i think i learnt something new.

It rounded up to 13 with Satha finishing off Mycelic Morphoid with his axe.


I think picking a decoy that possess a reasonable amount of life is quite a strategy indeed, picking a tank healer to defend the tanker is another pretty great idea. Its all about strategies and practice. Know what works and what doesn't.

Till we read again, Kudos!


The title image was created in Canva by me, with the image from Splinterlands

Screenshot and characters was taken in splinterlands During me playing the game with my Samsung Galaxy.

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Original content by the author.

Resources: App: Canva / Splinterland

📷 Samsung Galaxy

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