Splinterlands~Social Media Challenge~ REEKLAH Cursed A Draw.......

Holla splinterfans!

Another great week with intensive battle, i noticed the modern is even much more simpler but yet harder than i imagined. however my observations was quite intense this week


This battle was quite difficult in terms of the ruleset given and the mana cost, so one has to be very elegant when making a choice of team, in other words team should be powerful and strong cause the team should be those monster whose mana cost are EVEN numbers

The mana cost was 12 the shortest form of mana i've ever played, and i havent really gotten the trick in playing a low mana cost card until this game.

My Team

Summoner/ Monster
Reeklah-2 health +2 Reflection Shield
Cursed WindekunThorns

My Opponents

Summoner/ Monster
Kelya Frendul
Daigendark Surveyor


Watch full battle on splinterlands

ROUND 1: Reeklah!!!!

If there where to turn things around or not at all i would have lost this match, but with the help reeklah -2 health ability i was able to go for a draw.

Daigendark does not posses any form of attack on a normal note deplurker however was to be in the tank position, but i think my opponent used the decoy strategy on me.

Deeplurker did all the attack and since Cursed windekun was the only one standing in my team he took all the hit, however he managed to take Daigendark down

Round 3; Last Man Standing...

This Battle was the shortest i've played and it ended up in Round 3. However Cursed winduku and Deepluker was the last man standing.

Depluker attacked first but Cursed winduku won't give up without striking back.

However before Cursed winduku he made sure Deeplurker Went down with him, strike him with his thorns ability and that was how both of them ended up with a zero health making the match draw.


This was my first draw match, but i noticed something about Reeklah my Summoner. If Reeklah didnt take -2health from each opponents life am sure i would have lost this battle cause deplurker attacked Windeku first just at the end of everything.. Reeklah posses two forms of ability its either you go for the Reflection shield or just stick with the substraction of health.

Till we read again, Kudos!


If you feel like joining X contest for a chance to win some Rebellion and chaos legion packs check it out here.

Splinterland X Contest
Bdcommunity X Contest

The title image was created in Canva by me, with the image from Pixabay

Screenshot and characters was taken in splinterlands During me playing the game with my Samsung Galaxy.

Do you feel like writing your own Social Media Splinterlands Weekly Challenge? more details about it found Here

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Original content by the author.

Resources: App: Canva / Splinterland

📷 Samsung Galaxy

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