The benefits of Splinterlands' price floor limitation

The value of 1 BCX

Some Splinterlands common cards are kind of crappy, like Gargoya Lion, because they're only viable in way too specific situations. You might want to get rid of them so you buy other, more useful cards, specially when you already own a maxed version of that particular card or, at least, you already own it at the level of the league you're aiming for

Do you feel restricted for not being able to sell cards for lower than 0.01 on the Splinterlands marketplace? Is it frustrating that you have to combine cards if you want them sold quickly, since there is a huge list of cards for sale for 0.01 that need to be bought before yours? Well, maybe you're just being silly after all because this system is actually very helpful to the game's economy.

If you attempt to sell these cards, despite having to combine them, you'll be able to sell them for a price that's very close to the 0.01 floor. Back when there wasn't the 0.01 restriction, crappy cards were often sold for as low as 0.002.

It's easy to verify your Gargoya Lion card with more than 1 bcx will sell very quickly even if it's listed for 0.009. This means this mechanic gets the job done regardless of how it exactly it works.

You might be wondering why this restriction works at all. Why aren't people selling in bulk? Why is the average price not going lower and lower? The answer lies within the trade-off from combining 1 bcx cards. If you combine them, you're increasing that card's scarcity and you're missing out on holding 1 bcx cards

Large holders don't want to lose out on 1 bcx cards, since that is their most valuable state. 1 bcx cards are the most malleable. You probably can't turn a 383 bcx common card into a maxed level 400 bcx one without having to buy some 1 bcx cards in the process.

This is just one example of how well-thought-out Splinterlands economy systems are. Let's be proud of the team driving this wonderful crypto game that's fun for both investors and players alike.

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