Converted my SPS into Legendary and Epic summoners

1 BCX Modern non-rare Collection complete!

I originally had 8k+ SPS stake in Splinterlands, but I don't predict that's a good investment in the short-term. Even if it doubles in value, it's not like it's half a million dollars. When it comes to budget money, acts of service are usually the option that's more rewarding in both short and long term.

Focusing on winning tournaments, bragging about it via posts, disclosing strategical studies for everyone to see and publically talk about Splinterlands in general - that's where we can really find rewards for our low budget investment. Following this argument, I've decided to sell my SPS, maintaining only 2500 SPS staked, which is a bit more than enough to enter Silver tournaments.

Selling the last bit of my unstaked SPS gave me close to $90 worth of DEC. This isn't good, because I bought in when SPS was at $0.05 and $0.07, so I really lost approximately half of my money's worth. I should have bought in now instead, which is so much closer to token value during the initial private sale, or so they say.

Still, $90 is enough to buy all three Chaos Legion Legendary Summoners I was yet to own - 1 BCX of Immortalis, Astral Entity and Quix the Devious. It was also barely enough to buy 1 BCX of every Epic Summoner from Riftwatchers. I still own my budgeted main Earth Splinter and Water Splinter decks, so I can use that in ranked, while I pull everything else together to play in Novice and Bronze level tournaments.

Both winning tournaments, playing ranked games and blogging are the foundation of getting your investment back as soon as possible, so if you're a low budget player like me, don't neglect any of these activities.

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